Page 105 of Along Came Holly

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“Bzzzt, wrong. Man, and just when I was thinking what a lucky guy I was to have you as a partner.”

“You are.” The dark, angry response erupted from Declan’s stiff form and everyone on the bus turned his way, including Holly. Declan’s face flushed, and he stammered, “I mean…you could have ended up with someone like me. I suck at trivia.”

The people on the bus laughed and everyone went back to the game except Holly. He’d played it off well, but did he really mean that? Not that she wanted him to be truly possessive, but a little jealousy meant he cared, right? Deeper than if they were just roommates with benefits?

With a small smile, she discreetly brushed her hand against his, but it slipped away when he stood abruptly. “I’m going to get a drink.”

Holly’s gaze followed him to the back corner, wondering if she’d read him wrong. Maybe he had just been making a joke about his trivia skills and didn’t think anything at all about her being partners with Sam. She was projecting her feelings onto a man who wanted nothing more from her than what they had.

And if that was true, would it be enough for her?


Declan watched holly hand out envelopes in various colors to every partnership, seeming happy and not at all disturbed that he’d practically bitten Sam’s head off. He hadn’t meant to be harsh, but the comfortable way Sam treated Holly as if she was his girlfriend and not just a friend had rubbed him wrong for a while, especially now that they were…

What? Casual?

Declan knew he had no right to feel this way, but when he’d noticed the easy way Sam touched Holly’s knee when he spoke to her during the drive, all the while Declan sat silently beside her, it took everything in him not to haul her closer to him so Sam would get the message that she was with someone.

Only it wouldn’t be true. He couldn’t claim that they were just roommates with benefits and then get mad when another man flirted or showed interest, but being honest about the way she made him feel could come with catastrophic results. Free-spirited Holly, the one who’d done some truly insane stunts on her YouTube, which he hadn’t admitted to watching, was independent and didn’t need anyone, especially Declan, who couldn’t make up his mind about what he wanted anymore except…

Her. He wanted Holly Winters with every fiber of his being, and he had no idea what to do about it.

The bus parked on the west end of town near the twenty-four-hour gas station, the Bear Claw biker bar, and a large expanse of woods, with the heart of downtown only a few streets over.

“All right, this is it!” Holly called, getting to her feet. “Remember, the color of the envelope you’re holding is your team color and all of your clues will be in the same shade. You’ll have one hour to complete the tasks and find the clues they are leading you to. No cutting corners. Every team has special transportation waiting for them, so no matter what it is, you have to do it! Everybody got me? Then let’s go!”

Declan watched as a few of the teams approached Holly, probably with questions. Sally was over in the corner talking to Sam with animated gestures that made her look like an angry seagull flapping its wings. When she stormed away from him to join Tara and Nick, Sam crossed the bus and stopped alongside Declan.

“You all right, man?” Sam asked, slapping him on the back. “You seem quieter than usual.”

Declan got to his feet with a nod. “I’m good, just taking it all in.”

“You aren’t pissed about me putting you on the spot, are you? I thought for sure Clark would have told you something.”

“We don’t get into personal things, but it’s fine.”

“You didn’t tell him about shacking up with Holly?” Sam asked.

Declan’s eyes narrowed. “We’re not shacking up.”

Sam’s affable countenance dissolved into a hard expression. “Well, whatever you’re doing, Holly is an amazing girl and like all the Winters family she’s a good person. I don’t want her taken advantage of.”

“If you think Holly would let anyone, least of all me, mistreat her in any way, you don’t know her. She’s more than happy to tell me where to stick it when I piss her off.”

“Just trying to figure you out. I thought you two didn’t get along and suddenly she’s helping you out, giving you a place to crash. You gotta know how that looks.”

“I don’t, actually.”

“Holly’s done well for herself and you’re almost thirty and living with your father. Not a good look, man.”

Declan’s fists clenched at his sides. “I’m not after Holly for money. I pay to rent my room.”

“It’s all about perception and I just want you to be aware and know that the people in this town love Holly. No one will tolerate her being hurt.”

Declan studied the other man’s face, wondering if Holly was wrong about there being nothing more between her and Sam. Maybe not on her side, but Sam’s underlying threat was unmistakable. Hurt her and you’ll deal with me.

Declan waved a hand in Sally’s direction. “Seems like you’ve got your own problems with women and don’t need to take on mine.”

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