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“Yeah, I didn’t mind that at all, but it got me thinking. Next week is going to be crazier starting Friday, and every week after until Christmas. I don’t want to sneak around just to steal moments with you.”

“Are you worried about Jace being upset?”

“I’m more concerned he wanted us together too much and if things changed, he’d be heartbroken.”

“But you’re not concerned about things changing anymore?” she prodded.

“Not on my end. How about you?”

Merry kissed him fast and hard, before dropping her arms from his neck. “I’m good.”

Clark bent down to grab Daisy’s leash from the floor, chuckling. “By the way, what’s in the tote outside?”

“More plush penises. It’s become a hobby of mine.”

“Plural penises, huh?”

“Uh-huh. I’m considering turning it into a side hustle. What do you think?”

Clark climbed to his feet, holding out the leash with a smile. “Does it make you happy?”

“Yes, it does,” she said, their fingertips connecting as she took it.

“Then I think it’s a great idea.”

Chapter 21


Merry set her tote on her parents’ front porch and opened the front door, trying to be as stealthy as possible. She’d attempted to repair the damage Clark’s hands wreaked on her hair, bringing it forward to cover any possible whisker burn to her neck. Her body still hummed at the memories of his mouth and hands, and his dirty talk, well, nerdy talk was an unexpected turn-on.

And while she appreciated him wanting her to feel special, Merry was seriously considering skipping dinner tonight and going straight for dessert. Eating pie off of Clark’s stomach sounded like a delicious activity and she couldn’t wait to try it.

She managed to get Daisy and the container over the threshold before Butch let out a hair-raising bay, his toenails clattering down the hallway.

“It’s just us, Butch, calm thyself.”

Daisy yanked on the leash the minute she saw Butch, her front paws flying through the air excitedly. Merry shut the door firmly behind them and slipped the leash over Daisy’s head with a laugh.

“All right, get ’em!”

The minute she was free, Daisy pounced at Butch, who took off back down the hallway with the white puppy hot on his heels. Merry realized that the laundry room door could be open and sprinted after the dogs. The last thing she wanted was another runaway puppy debacle.

“Butch, come here, Butch!”

The hound stopped and leaped over the lunging puppy to get to Merry. She slid past him and sighed happily when she spotted the closed laundry room door.

“Okay, false alarm. Play.”

Her parents’ bedroom door opened and her mom poked her head out. “Merry? What’s going on out here?”

“The dogs creating a ruckus. Were you taking a nap?”

“I might have been,” she said, yawning. “What time is it?”


Her mother leveled her with a suspicious look. “I thought you were on your way an hour ago?”

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