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“What happened? You two were all hot and heavy last week.”

Tara’s blue eyes blinked rapidly and Merry knew from years of heartbreak her friend was trying to keep it together and not cry. “He said we had sexual chemistry, but not lasting chemistry.”

“Douche bag,” Sally sang.

“Oh honey.” Merry held out her arms and the taller woman fell into them, her brown hair tickling Merry’s cheek. “Forget him. We’ll make a voodoo doll and stick pins right in his favorite area.”

Tara choked out a wet laugh. “Forget the doll. Just give me a voodoo peen. It will look like a pin cushion by the time I get my feelings out.”

“Tell her what he said about your boobs!”

Merry glanced over her shoulder at Sally with a grimace. “What did he say about her boobs?”

“They were saggy!” Tara sniffled.

Merry hugged her tighter. “What the fuck?”

“Asssssshollllle!” Sally dragged out the word this time, hitting a deep note on the hole.

“Do you actually think your boobs are saggy?” Merry asked.

Tara pulled away, wiping at her wet cheeks and eyes. “No, but I don’t understand why he had to go there.”

“I believe I’ve explained the why in two different terms. He’s a—”

“Come on, Sally,” Merry cut in, pulling Tara to the couch to sit. “Honestly, Tara, did you really like him?”

“I don’t know. He could be fun. Outside the bedroom.”

Merry held up a hand, waving it back and forth. “Wait, time out, are you telling me he sucked in bed?”

Tara nodded.

Sally carried three shot glasses and a bottle of Fireball up the steps and sat across from them. “Hold on, you’ve been crying all day over trash D?”

Tara giggled and Merry’s lips twitched as she joined in on the razzing. “Nah, those aren’t sad tears. Those are the tears of a grateful woman who knows she never has to endure his minute man antics again.”

Tara laughed harder, whisky drops flying over the full shot glass Sally handed her.

“Whoa, don’t spill that on my rug! If I drag that up to my parents’, my mother will start asking me why my rug smells like a distillery.”

“Tell her to mind her bidness.” Sally held her shot glass up in a toast and Merry clinked her glass to hers.

“I’m not saying that to my mother and I know you don’t say it to your mother either.”

Sally chuckled. “Maybe not, but I’d love to see your mother’s expression right before she murders you.”

“All right, let’s do this toast so we can eat something.” Besides, Merry’s arm was starting to ache from holding up the shot glass. “The last thing we need is getting hammered on an empty stomach.”

“To good friends, new experiences, and no more trash D,” Sally said.

Tara tapped her glass and knocked it back, wheezing. “He really was the worst, but I thought he was sweet.”

“That’s how they get you.” Sally gathered up the shot glasses. “They all come at you with the good guy routine until they hook you.”

“Uh-oh,” Merry said, climbing to her feet to help with the food. “Did Pike do something?”

“Nope, he’s a good egg. I’m speaking in general. Men are shifty creatures.”

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