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I’d probably take you up on the last bite of pie. Love me some pie.

If you could be another person, alive or dead, for one day, who would it be?

Talk to you soon.


Wednesday 3:22pm

Fantasy, huh? My brother made me watch the Lord of the Rings movies. I liked them, but I’m more of a romantic drama fan.

I think I’d like to be Audrey Hepburn. She was so classy and brilliant.

What about you? I’m surprised you’re messaging me in the middle of the day. Aren’t you usually at work?

Driving home!


Wednesday 6:07pm

Yes, usually I’m busy during the day at work, but I had a little break and thought I’d message you. I hope that’s okay.

I don’t mind romantic dramas, but modern movies and books that perpetuate an ideal don’t really hold my interest. You go into a fantasy movie knowing it could never happen, but a romance misleads people that somewhere out there is a perfect someone waiting for them.

Maybe I’m a pessimist, but relationships aren’t my strong suit.

I think I’d like to be Billy the Kid. There is so much mystery around his death and who he really was. A leader? A villain? A scared kid? He fascinated me ever since I saw Young Guns for the first time. (My brother is eight years older than me and introduced me to all that the ’80s had to offer).

I know it’s strange for two people who have never met to get to know each other this way, but I hope you’re having as much fun as I am.

Awaiting your response,


Wednesday 9:05pm

I just got back from my sister’s and I wanted to shoot you a message before I went to bed. I’m sure you’re already asleep. Your bedtime is eight, right?

To be frank, I’m a relationship failure myself. I don’t know why, but I seem to fall for men who ultimately break my heart (or steal my savings—long story.) I sometimes think I can’t trust my instincts when it comes to falling for someone and it’s made me gun-shy to get involved again.

I realize I’m telling you this and we met on a dating site, but it’s true. You could be anyone, but I want you to be exactly who you are in these messages. Funny. Honest. Smart. I know movies roll credits as soon as the couple admit their feelings and that isn’t reality, but my parents have been happily married for years, so I know long-lasting true love exists. It just seems to evade me.

Wow, I went a little serious on you, didn’t I? Please disregard everything I said here except this…

I’m having a great time. Talk soon.


Chapter 5


Clark grabbed his thick jacket off the coat rack and stepped outside before slipping into it. The temperature had dropped twenty-degrees in the last hour and he could tell by the curling clouds in the distance that snow was rolling in. He wanted to check out the north side of the property before it started coming down. The trucks would be here the end of next week for those trees and he needed to mark them for replacements in the spring on his chart. There was no point in trying to dig holes to plant now; the ground was frozen solid for the next several months.

He whistled as he trotted down the steps of his front porch. Things had moved along this week without incident and he sent a little prayer up to whoever was listening that they would continue to do so through this first season. Clark couldn’t have asked for a better situation for him and Jace. As long as they made it through the busy season without any major trouble, the Winters Farm would keep him on, and he wanted to be here. Not having to pay rent every month, having only essential bills, allowed him to put away money every month in savings and add more to his portfolio. Goals like saving for a house, building a college fund for Jace, and retirement were looking really good.

On top of all that, his correspondences with Knottygirl25 had increased exponentially the past four days. They’d been firing off messages last night until he’d passed out on her at eleven o’clock. He’d sent her an apology this morning and she’d shot him a message an hour later.

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