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“Do you know what I thought the first time I ever saw you?”

“Not a clue.”

“That your smile could light up the whole world if the sun went out.”

Merry smiled reflexively. “That’s sweet.”

“I realized something tonight while I was waiting for Patrice to show.” His hand settled on her thigh as he leaned in, his lips tickling the shell of her ear. “I love you, Merry.”

Her throat tightened. “Really? The first time you drop the L-bomb you do it drunk?”

“I remember you telling me once you were tipsy, not drunk and I’m saying the same thing to you. I didn’t feel right driving, but I was already sobering up when Nick called you. I know exactly what I’m saying, because I realized it before I had a single drop of alcohol.”

“Right, that’s why you were giggling with my brother and saying ridiculous things.”

“I didn’t giggle.”

“Yeah, you did.”

“Regardless. I mean every word. I don’t have very many people I consider friends, but you are so much more than that. I want to spend my days and nights with you, to hear about your day and tell you about mine. I love you with all my heart.”

Tears welled up in her eyes and she turned in her seat. “If you really feel that way about me, it would have been nice if you’d have called to tell me so earlier, instead of getting drunk with my brother. I fell asleep waiting for you.”

Clark cupped her face in his hands. “I’m sorry. It was nice to hang with guys my age, you know? I haven’t done it in years, and after Patrice left, it felt good to blow off steam. I didn’t mean to stay so late.”

As disappointed as she was about his timing of I love you, Merry realized she was being bratty. “Clark, I’m sorry. You should be able to go out and have fun without me carping at you. About Patrice…” Merry put her hand on his arm. “Are you all right?”

“It’s a lot to unpack, but you were right. I did need to see her. It’s going to cost me, but I feel like I got some closure.”

“Why will it cost you? Is she trying to get Jace back?”

“No. She asked me for money.”

“What?” White-hot rage burned through her. “Why?”

“Because she needs help and has no one in her corner. I understand a little bit about that. If it wasn’t for your parents, Sam, and a lot of others over the years, I wouldn’t have been able to finish my education, let alone provide for my son. Patrice may be a lot of things, but people deserve the chance to better themselves if they are willing to try.”

“You told me that if she was here, it wasn’t good. That she wanted something, but I’d hoped that maybe she’d prove you wrong. I wouldn’t give her a cent.”

Clark chuckled. “Yes, you would. If you’d been there, you would have bent over backwards to help her because you’re an amazing, generous person. And as much as she’s hurt me, I want to be the kind of man who deserves you, Merry, the kind of man my son can look up to. If something happened to Patrice because I didn’t help her, I wouldn’t be able to look my son in the eye.”

“I am glad you feel good about helping her, but I don’t like anyone taking advantage of you.”

Clark took her hand, bringing it to his mouth. “Thank you for looking out for us. It means so much to have you in my life.”

“Thank you. When are you getting her the money?”

“It will take me a few days, but hopefully by Friday. I didn’t even tell you the craziest part. She has a daughter.”

Merry hesitated a few moments, bringing his hand to her chest. “That must have been rough to hear.”

“More surprising than rough, but whatever happened to Patrice growing up…it’s bad. I just hope she’ll take the money and do better for herself and her little girl.”

“All you can do is have a little faith, I guess.” Daisy whimpered in the back seat and Merry pulled her hand away. “I should get her home.”

“Merry…I know you think I’m saying things because my inhibitions are down, but the truth is, not telling you felt worse than saying it out loud at the wrong time. I know I’m not romantic and I have bungled things with you more times than I can count, but I love you. I wish you’d been with me tonight and I regret not bringing you along. If you’re willing, I’d appreciate having you there when I give the money to her Friday.”

Merry’s heart swelled. As far as romantic gestures went, this was huge and she regretted giving him such a bad time about his tipsy I love you.

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