Page 79 of The Boss Dilemma

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I could too, when he puts exactly the right amount of pressure on my most sensitive spot, paying just the right amount of attention to it. It’s perfect, like he knows my body better than I do. Knows what he can do to make me fall apart.

Not being able to move, having to just lie here and take it… is so freaking hot. The only choice I have is pleasure, and it’s an easy choice to make.

I keen sharply as he works his fingers into my body, and he chuckles, deep and rough.

“There you go. Ride my face, Spitfire. Give me more.”

He’s watching me with hooded eyes. Watching me arch off the mattress in a desperate motion for more and less all at the same time. Watching me lose control.

Watching the power and control he has over my body.

“You’re going to come for me,” he says, and suddenly, it’s just as he said it.

I’m coming, it’s for him, and I can’t believe it. It’s like he’s tapped into my own mind and can control every aspect of my pleasure. I roll my hips against his face, and he keeps his tongue right where I need it until the shudders die down. Then he leans back, unfastens the ties securing my ankles and kneels before me, rolling on a condom.

It’s a tight fit—as it always is—and I don’t quite bite back a worried moan as he presses in.

“Open up for me, Spitfire,” he mutters, almost like he’s distracted by the whole thing, eager to chase his own release close behind mine. “Fuck. It’s like this every time. Tight. Like the first time. The way you squeeze around my cock drives me insane.”

I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, and I don’t care to try to figure it out as he lifts my ass up and growls, finally sheathing himself fully in my body.

“Open your eyes,” he says, and it’s the only reason I realize they’ve closed. “Watch me. Watch me take you apart. I want your eyes on me while your pussy swallows me up like the greedy little thing it is.”

How can something this filthy be so freaking hot? How can I already be on the edge again when it feels like I’ve just finished coming? Declan’s eyes burn down at me as he pumps his hips, driving in and out of me. I have the perfect view, and all I can do is watch and grip the ties that still bind my wrists.

My cries grow with each thrust. I’m right there, ready to let go, only…

“No.” Declan withdraws almost completely, just the tip still inside me. It’s maddening, denying me what I want. No—what I need. I whine a little and try to leverage what little control I have, attempting to draw him farther inside me, but he just laughs.

“You’re going to wait,” he says, snapping forward again. “Don’t. Come. Yet.”

I see stars and almost come in spite of his command, but some small and essential part of me is able to hold off. I don’t understand why or how, especially when all I want to do is come again.

“You can do it, Spitfire. Just hold on. You’re so fucking good. So perfect like this,” he praises, pulling almost all the way out again, then slamming home.

“I… don’t know,” I stutter out, punctuating each syllable with a moan. “I’m so… close.”

“And that’s where you’re going to stay,” he says, pausing again, teasing me along a razor’s edge. “Right where I want you. Fuck, you’re gorgeous like this, writhing on my cock, so flushed and needy. I love watching you come undone. I’m fucking addicted to it. I want to make this last, baby girl. Gonna work you up until you can’t take it anymore, then let you choke my dick with that sweet pussy.”

I’ve never made the sounds I’m making right now, keening and begging wordlessly. I’ve also never been so tantalized, so debauched, so utterly into something in my life.

It’s hard to understand how long it goes on. Time doesn’t seem to matter. Nothing does—except for warding off something inevitable. Declan’s strong hands on my hips. His breathing, growing harsher and harsher. The way he pulls me apart and puts me back together with each movement.

“Now come,” he grits out, gripping me with near bruising force. “Come with me.”

It’s instantaneous. I’ve been waiting for his permission, and now I have it. I scream, my orgasm pure and sharp and sweet, rolling through my entire body. I slit open my eyes, half-sobbing with every pant, just in time to see Declan fall over the crest of his own wave, gritted teeth not quite enough to muffle the groan from deep in his chest.

He bends forward, shoulders heaving, as he returns my hips to the bed and slips, almost reluctantly, from my body.

“Okay?” he asks, pushing my damp hair away from my sweaty face. “Too much?”

I laugh softly, shakily, as he unfastens my wrists. The knots weren’t tight, and there are just two matching light red bands across my skin, where I pulled against the ties. He sees the marks as I do, and kisses them, right where a doctor would have taken my pulse.

It’s oddly sweet. Intimate, even. More intimate than the wild sex we just had, somehow.

“Too much in the best way,” I say, my voice a little hoarse.

“You’re not too sore?” he asks, disposing of the spent condom and retrieving the blankets from the floor. He tucks them around me before reclining, curling around me slightly. Almost imperceptibly.
