Page 78 of The Boss Dilemma

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I don’t think too much about it, picking up my phone and selecting Sophie’s contact for a text message. It doesn’t matter that I’m busy with work for the next few days. I need her. I need to set something else up. Something more.

ME: 7 p.m. Wednesday. You know where.

I watch the screen of my phone like it’s Sophie herself, waiting for a reaction. For an indication that she received my message. It’s risky, texting her at work. Something that I would’ve discouraged if she had done the same thing to me.

I’ve been so careful not to mix work with pleasure. And yet here I am, breaking my own goddamn rules because I can’t help myself.

It takes ten minutes for her to reply, and for me to breathe again. Her response is only two words, but it’s enough to allow my lungs to function once more.

SOPHIE: Can’t wait.

Chapter 26


I’m in the elevator, leaning against the back wall as it descends, when I feel my phone buzz in my purse. I scramble for it eagerly, drawing a couple of glances from other people at the commotion. I’m so sure it’s Declan that it takes me a second to realize it’s David’s name on the screen, and not my boss’s.

DAVID: Heard you were asking about me…

I give a small snort before remembering that there are people around me.

ME: Congratulations on the promotion! Manager’s a big deal.

DAVID: Big enough for a second date? I’d love to take you out again and do it right—make up for last time.

The elevator reaches the ground floor and the doors roll open. Other people exit quickly, striding off across the lobby, and I hang back, shuffling my feet a little. Trying to find the right words to say.

ME: I don’t think so. I had a nice time with you, but work has been super busy lately. I’m focusing on other things right now.

Other things like Declan, but I’m not about to go rubbing salt in the wound.

I watch the three dots illuminate and go away several times, almost as if David is typing things out just to delete them again. In a normal situation, my stomach would be in knots over something like this, but I know this is the right thing to do. There’s no way I could date David—or anyone—while I’m doing this thing with Declan. It wouldn’t be right.

DAVID: I understand, even if I wish it were different. Best of luck!

ME: Thanks. You too.

Before I put my phone away, I take a quick glance around me. There’s no one around, so I scroll to the other text message I got today. The one from Declan. The one that just had a time and a day and a promise. That’s all it needs to have because we both know what it means.

DECLAN: 7 p.m. Wednesday. You know where.

How could something so deceptively simple make my heart stutter like it is now? My entire body is on fire, thrumming with the thought of seeing him again.

And in just a few short days, I will.

* * *

“I could eat this any day of the week.”

I moan and writhe and try to reach for Declan, but I’m reminded—yet again—that my hands are tied. Literally.

I’m lying on my back, spread eagle and exposed, on the bed in the apartment. Reagan’s been calling it the love nest, but what’s going on right now is potent lust, pure and simple. My wrists and ankles are secured to each of the four posts on the bed, restrained by simple silk ties.

It’s an erotic premise made even hotter by Declan between my legs, eating me out like he has all the time in the world.

He’s grinning darkly up at me, licking his lips and putting on a show.

“You should be on a menu,” he says, licking a stripe up my inner thigh. “I could survive off this.”
