Page 34 of The Boss Dilemma

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I laugh along with everybody. “Got here as fast as I could.”

“That’s Andrea Collins,” Carol says. “And here’s Mark Ferber.”

“Pleasure,” says a man with neat brown hair and a round, friendly face, waving as he rocks in his chair in front of his desk.

“I’m Hannah.” I jump at the sudden approach of another woman, tall and lean, her sleek ponytail enhancing the leonine features of her striking face. “Hannah Warner.” She offers her hand, and when I shake it, she nearly crushes my bones.

“It’s really nice to meet you all,” I say, gingerly retrieving my hand. I open my mouth to say something else, but before I can, a sneeze wells up, tickling my nose. I press my face into the crook of my elbow as several more sneezes follow.

“Are you all right?” Carol eyes me with a little concern as I finally stop sneezing.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” My nose is still tingling, and I work to suppress another sneeze as I glance around and spot the culprit. There’s a large floral arrangement set on a low table in front of a nearby window. “I just have allergies. But I always keep Claritin with me, so I’ll be okay.”

“Are you sure?” Carol glances from me to the floral arrangement. “We almost always have flowers in the office. That arrangement gets replaced every few days.”

“Yeah. It’s no problem at all.”

I dig a pill out of the bottle in my purse and pop it quickly, trying to ignore the scratchy feeling in my eyes. I know the pill won’t get rid of all the symptoms, but it’ll make it so that I can work without making a big scene or sneezing on everyone on my first day.

“All good,” I say, giving everyone a cheerful smile.

“Great, then I’ll leave you all to it,” Gigi announces from where she’s been watching the introductions. “Sophie, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about anything.”

“Thank you. I won’t,” I promise as the office continues to come to life around us. Gigi wasn’t joking. Early is on time here. By the start of the traditional work day, the desks have been filled for a while, clacking keyboards and phone calls peppering the air with activity.

“This is you,” Carol says, showing me my desk. Even though I’m still fighting down the urge to sneeze, I can’t help but feel a glow of pride at my little cog in the machine that is Dynasty. This is the place I’m going to be making a difference.

“You’ll probably never be in it,” she continues, dashing my fantasizing. “Yours is a very hands-on role, especially as we adjust to the new demands of the emerging markets we want to adapt Dynasty to fit.”

“That makes sense,” I say. “Gigi mentioned that Dynasty needed new blood, and that’s what I’m hoping to bring. You’re branching out into new areas.”

“Exactly right,” Carol confirms. “We’re wanting to rebrand as a lifestyle option less exclusive and more accessible. Anybody can enjoy the luxury benefits from any home. That kind of thing.”

“It’ll take refining,” Hannah interjects. “But that’s the general gist.”

I must have a deer in the headlights look, because Carol smiles and relaxes.

“But we’re not putting that all on your shoulders today—and certainly not on your very first day,” she assures me, inviting me to take a seat at my new desk. “We’re a team, and we work together. But before you can get to work, I’m going to have IT come up here and make sure your company laptop is in working order.”

The IT guy shows up shortly after that, and as soon as I have the devices I need, Carol returns to her office. My other coworkers visibly relax and roll their chairs closer to my cubicle. By now, the Claritin has kicked in enough that I don’t feel like I look like some red-eyed monster, and I smile at them.

“I hope that you know how serious we are about being excited that you’re here,” Andrea says, clasping her hands in front of her. “We’re so serious that I baked cookies last night for you, like you’re moving into our neighborhood.”

“Well, I’m serious about being excited to be here,” I say with a laugh, kind of surprised that everyone has gathered around me. I’m not super crazy about being the center of attention, but I’m eager to prove that I belong here. “And I love cookies. Thank you!”

Andrea has packaged the baked goods in a cute little box tied with string, which she hands over with a grin. “They’re snickerdoodles.”

“How did you know my favorite cookie?” I ask, playfully aghast. “Oh my gosh, I’m going to have one right now. I was too nervous to eat breakfast.”

The first delectable smelling cookie is halfway in my mouth when Hannah clears her throat. “Just so you know, we’re expected to be representatives of the brand while we’re employed here. It’s not an accident that we have an exercise room with Dynasty products in it.”

I nearly choke on my cookie. Is she implying what I think she’s implying? That I shouldn’t eat this cookie because I can’t afford to with the way I look? It’s not often that I feel self-conscious about my body type, which is maybe a little curvier than some women, but I definitely am now.

Andrea scoffs, drawing my attention from the cookie. “Hannah, if you want a cookie, you don’t have to be a brat about it. You can just ask. Practice it with me. Say, ‘Andrea, I would love it if you shared your baking with me.’ Why, Hannah, of course I’ll share the snickerdoodles. I have more in my desk. I’ll go get them.”

Hannah purses her lips. “No, thank you. I’m not eating sugar. Or gluten.”

“Or anything that makes you happy,” Andrea says, just as cheerfully.
