Page 33 of The Boss Dilemma

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I’m half afraid that I’m going to run into him again this morning, but it’s just the cute barista from last time I was here.

“Hey, look who’s having a better day,” he says brightly the moment I walk in. “It’s Sophie! Things must’ve turned around for you, huh? I think it was the lavender latte. Was it the lavender latte?”

“Oh my god, I can’t believe you remembered my name,” I say, flushing even as I laugh. “Was I really that dire?”

“No, no. You just… seemed a bit stressed,” he allows before showing his dimples again in a smile. “And I’m David, by the way. In case you didn’t remember.”

“Of course I remembered,” I protest. “You turned my day around, just like you promised me you would.”

“So things really are better?” he asks, cocking a brow.

“A full one-eighty, I swear.” I step closer to the counter, adjusting my purse strap on my shoulder. “Have you considered marketing this place as magic? Because it might be a good move for you.”

“That’s a little above my pay grade,” he says with a laugh. “I’m not the owner, I just sling drinks. Speaking of which, what are you thinking this morning? Another lavender latte?”

“Sure. Thanks.”

The beverage is ready so quickly that I just resign myself to being super early to work on my first day, taking the to-go cup from David before reaching into my purse for my wallet.

“Oh, no.” He shakes his head, waving a hand at me. “Your money is no good here.”

“Come on,” I complain, shaking my head as I purse my lips against a smile. “You won’t market this place as magic, and you don’t accept legal tender in exchange for your products? How in the world do you stay in business?”

“This one’s on me again,” he says with a shrug, gesturing to my drink. “I want to keep that smile on your face, and I think lavender lattes are the only way. It’s like a public service. What changed, by the way? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“I don’t.” The latte warms my hands, and I can already smell the lavender, even through the cover of the cup. “Last time I was here, I thought I’d missed out on an opportunity I really wanted. This time, I’m starting the first day of my dream job.”

David whistles low and long. “That’s a pretty big turnaround. Congrats on the new gig.”

“Thanks. I’m equal parts excited and nervous.” I raise my cup to him. “Cheers. And thank you. One of these days, I’m seriously going to pay for something from here.”

“We’ll see.”

He’s right about the latte bringing a smile to my face. The caffeine boost wakes me up even more, and the lavender scent soothes my nerves as I make the walk back toward the offices. If possible, walking into the Dynasty building this time is even more surreal than the last—especially now that I know I have the job here. Last time, for the interview, it was just me trying to harness the power of positive thinking. This time, though, I have it in the bag. This isn’t just the Dynasty building. It’s my building. And this is my future.

I’m a little taken aback when the elevator doors open on the sixteenth floor and Gigi is already waiting for me.

“I’m sorry I’m so early,” I blurt out. “It’s just that I was excited.”

“Don’t apologize.” She shakes her head, brushing that off. “Early is on time around here. You’ll fit right in. I’m the one who should be sorry about all the drama during your interview. I’m glad you gave us another chance.”

The statement makes me suspect that Gigi doesn’t know the whole story, but what would Declan have told her? Like, oh, yeah, let’s please go ahead and hire Sophie Anderson, even though I fucked her a year ago, because she showed initiative by harassing me in a men’s bathroom at a nearby coffee shop?

Yeah, no. I decide right then and there to keep that little tidbit under wraps.

Because my past with Declan doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is how I’m going to hit everything this job throws at me out of the freaking park.

I follow Gigi to her office to fill out some customary paperwork. Once I’ve finished, she takes me back to the marketing area to meet my team.

It registers that we’re near the point where I crossed paths with Declan during that first ill-fated tour. But he’s clearly in his office today, or in some other part of the building, because we make it to the cluster of desks unscathed.

“I’d like everyone to meet Sophie Anderson,” Gigi announces. “She’s your newest teammate, and I’m certain she’ll be a great asset to Dynasty.”

“Welcome, Sophie.” A slender woman with dark hair cut into a bob detaches herself from the group and steps forward. “I’m Carol, the head of the marketing department. We’re thrilled to have you.”

“I’m thrilled to be here,” I assure her, shaking her hand as firmly as I dare. “And I’m grateful to be part of the team.”

“We’ve needed someone for a while now,” another, younger woman with shoulder-length reddish hair pipes up. “We’re so glad you’re finally here. Where have you been all this time?”
