Page 152 of The Boss Dilemma

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The following Monday, the mood in the office hasn’t lightened. There are still rumblings like the distant sounds of thunder, rumors flying around like crazy. Speculations from both those in the know and those with no clue.

The question on everyone’s minds is, how is Dynasty planning to fend off the takeover? What is Declan going to do? And, of course, what does this mean for us?

No one really knows what’s going on, and everyone is stressed about it. I’ve even heard a few people whispering about job hunting, and caught at least one coworker updating their resume. Some people seem to think this company is a sinking ship, and it’s best to get off before it all goes down.

Andrea and I have plans for lunch, so I meet her in the lobby at noon to head out. We go for burritos at a spot down the street. At first, our conversation is light, intentionally skirting around the elephant in the room.

But as we sit down with our food, things get serious.

“Do you have any idea what’s going on?” Andrea asks, stress seeping into her voice.

I shake my head. To be honest, I’m tired of hearing it; I think people expect me to know something, now that Hannah’s rumors have been spreading. “No, not really. I’m not any more clued in than you are.”

Privately, that fact twists my gut. I wish Declan would let me in more—maybe invite me over to discuss things while we share dinner.

I know legal isn’t my department, but even if I can’t help with the specifics, I could be there for him on a personal level. This is huge for him. I know he’s under a ton of pressure, and it’s taking its toll on him.

Things like this, that are a big deal in Declan’s life—I want to know about them. To be part of them. Instead, I feel like I’ve been sidelined. Cut out.

Andrea seems to read my frustration in my expression, and nods sympathetically. “Well, Declan probably has a ton on his plate right now,” she says. “There’s so much important stuff going on.”

“Yeah.” I pick at the foil on my burrito. “He does. Of course.”

There are a lot of important things going on in Declan’s life. I’m just no longer sure that I’m one of them.

* * *


While I often stay late at the office to get a little bit of extra work done, and I’m no stranger to a busy night, there’s something oppressive about my schedule lately. I have three more meetings to attend before I can leave for the night, and one of them isn’t until nine. The way things have been going, I’ll probably be on the phone until one in the morning.

As I have dozens of times over the past few days, I curse my father under my breath.

As I step out of my office for my seven o’clock, I nod to Beth, who’s packing up her laptop. She gives me a guilty look.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Wright,” she says. “Is it okay if I—”

“Go ahead home,” I tell her. I’m going to be in meetings all night anyway. Might as well field my own calls. “It’s okay. Get a good night’s sleep.”

My secretary gives me a grateful nod and hurries to finish packing her things. I turn away, my mind buzzing with irritation. What I wouldn’t give to be sent home to get a good night’s sleep right about now.

I’m not so lucky though. I head to the elevator, making my way to the conference room where the general counsel and a few advisors are waiting for me.

As I step into the elevator, I pull out my phone and frown. A missed call from Sophie.

The elevator moves, and I almost press the button to call her back. The prospect of hearing her voice is tempting. But then there’s a chime, and the doors slide open, and I’m reminded of where I am.

I have people waiting for me down the hall. I’m supposed to be meeting with my team to determine my company’s future.

I slip my phone into my pocket, pushing away my disappointment and heading for the conference room. As I open the door and take my seat at the table, I promise myself that I’ll resolve all of this soon.

Once everything is fixed, things can go back to normal, and I can go back to her.

* * *

