Page 151 of The Boss Dilemma

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“What would someone see, if they walked in here right now?”

The murmur of Declan’s voice encourages me, and I suck harder, eliciting a groan from him.

“They’d see you on your knees in front of me,” he says hoarsely. “So perfect. So fucking gorgeous it hurts to look at you.”

I can only hum in reply.

“They’d be jealous of me.” His voice drops, and I shiver. “The whole fucking world should be jealous of me, because I have the very best thing in it—you. I fucking need you, Spitfire. I need you so damn much.”

I meant to come in here to get Declan off, but I can feel my own orgasm building. Between Declan’s husky tone and the motion of my own fingers, I’m getting close.

I suck harder, determined to get him there too—before I can come to pieces on the floor under his desk.

“Take me deeper,” he growls. “Take all of me. Fuck.”

I gasp—or try to—as he pulls me deeper onto his cock. I almost gag, but manage to suppress the reflex.

I can’t hold myself together for much longer. Not with the way Declan is directing my motions, his thighs tense and his breathing harsh. I start to crest over the top of that wave, and let out a loud moan. For an instant, I’m worried that Declan’s secretary will hear me outside, which only heightens the thrill of my orgasm.

As I come, my lips enclosed around Declan’s cock, he seems to lose that last bit of control that was holding him back. He erupts down my throat, and I swallow every drop.

After a few more pulses, Declan finally pulls me off his cock.

“Come here.” He tugs me up into his lap, stroking my hair. Most of the tension is gone from his face. He seems relaxed as he looks down at me, and the pit of ice in my stomach melts away.

He leans down to kiss me, and I smile against his lips. The connection between us feels renewed.

“Thank you, Spitfire,” he breathes. “I don’t know how you knew I needed that, but I did. You’re my calm in the storm.”

“You’re not mad I broke the rule, then?”

He chuckles roughly, but his gaze is serious when it meets mine. “For you? I’d break every rule there is.”

Chapter 48


I spend the weekend at home, but really, I never get to leave work.

My entire Saturday morning is taken up by calls. I don’t even have five minutes to take a break and fix myself something to eat. There’s a ten minute gap for a breather right around noon, and I throw together a sandwich. It’s less about enjoying a good lunch, and more about fueling myself to keep working.

Every waking second of the past week, I’ve been working to fight this takeover. As I finish the sandwich, I sit back in my chair, taking deep breaths.

I need to be back on the phone in two minutes.

I glance around the condo, my eyes catching on a few things that Sophie left the last time she was over here. It feels like a long time ago now. I’ve barely seen her all week. We haven’t gone out once since our impromptu return from Paris. Normally, I’d take her out to dinner almost every night, if I could help it.

In fact, the most time we’ve spent together in days was when she came into my office. I close my eyes, remembering the feeling of her smooth tongue against my shaft. For just a brief moment, nothing else existed in the world except the two of us.

If I had my way, I’d be with her right now. I’d go straight over to her apartment and pull her into my arms, bingeing on her scent. I’d talk to her and make her laugh and count the freckles that scatter across her nose.

I sigh, rubbing my forehead. I want to be with her right now, but I can’t split my focus. Any second, I’m expecting a call from a board member to discuss strategies.

I can’t let my father take over Dynasty. It’s the most important use of my time right now. After everything I’ve done to get this company off the ground, I can’t let my father win. This is my life’s work.

Gritting my teeth, I tear my gaze away from Sophie’s jacket and pick my phone up off the counter to make the call.

* * *
