Page 137 of The Boss Dilemma

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“You want one more?” he teases.

“Mm-hm,” I hum affirmatively. He gets back up into the seat next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder, trying to support my trembling body. He’s gentle as he massages my clit, once again coaxing me to orgasm.

His fingers swirl around my clit, slow at first, but getting faster and faster. Another climax builds inside me until it explodes out with a moan. Every muscle in my body is clenched, taut, until the tension subsides and I slump back in my seat, panting.

Declan gives me a very self-satisfied grin. It’s the kind of cocky expression that might warrant a groan… if he was literally anyone else. If he hadn’t just blown my mind.

Who can blame him for being satisfied? I’m completely satisfied too.

“Mr. Wright, we have reached our cruising altitude. Please feel free to move about the cabin.”

We get up and move to a different area of the cabin, seating ourselves at a table surrounded by a large booth. It’s easier to cuddle with no armrests between us. I kick my shoes off and lean into Declan’s chest.

“That was the best takeoff I’ve ever had,” I murmur.

“If you think that was good, you’re going to love the landing,” he tells me softly.

I smile, lulled by the vibrations from the engines. I don’t usually manage to sleep on airplanes, but then again, I’m usually crammed into coach.

Curled in Declan’s arms, I allow myself to drift off into a blissful nap.

Chapter 44


We land in Paris ahead of schedule—some favorable weather patterns and priority landing order gave us a boost, and we touch down on the runway at least half an hour before I expected to. Sophie and I finish our glasses of champagne as the plane enters its final descent, and we’re off the plane mere minutes after it rolls to a stop.

She still looks a little shell-shocked as we walk across the asphalt to the waiting car, a white limousine. The driver holds the door for us, and we slide into the backseat.

“So,” I tell her as the driver starts the car and peels off, “here’s the plan. We’ll go get settled in at the hotel, and then I’m taking you out shopping.”

“Declan, I—” Her face is flushed, her cheeks bright red. It’s fucking adorable. “This is too much. I can’t accept all of this.”

I lean over to her, planting a kiss on the top of her ear. She snuggles into my shoulder instinctively. “But you want to,” I say. “Don’t you?”

“It’s lovely, really. I just… it’s too much.”

“As far as I’m concerned, it’s not enough.”

She looks up at me with wide eyes. “Not enough? You brought me to Paris. You took me on a private jet. How is that not enough?”

“I meant what I said to you about all of this—the wealth, the luxury. I spent all of this time earning this money, building this empire. It’s hardly worth it if I never take the time to indulge, but I barely ever take any joy in it. The only person I’ve ever actually wanted to spoil is my grandmother.”

She makes a small sound of affection.

I look down at her, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. “And now you.”

She blinks up at me, a line of worry still drawn between her brows.

“Let me spoil you, Spitfire,” I breathe. “Just let yourself enjoy it. Do you think you can do that for me?”

Her eyes soften, and she nods, the tiniest hint of a smile creeping onto her face. “Yeah,” she says quietly. “Of course.”

I lean down to kiss her again—a gentle kiss this time, unlike the hungry ones we shared in the air.

As we drive out of the airport, Sophie is glued to the window, taking it all in. When we pass sights I recognize, I point them out to her idly.

I’ve been to Paris more than a few times, and it doesn’t have much left to excite me, but there’s something magical about seeing it through Sophie’s eyes. She’s so enchanted by everything, from the scenery to the highway signs written in French, and the feeling is infectious.
