Page 136 of The Boss Dilemma

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He slides out of his seat, flagrantly ignoring the seatbelt light that’s on in the cabin. He drops to his knees, maintaining eye contact with me the entire time. I stare at him, my breath hitching in anticipation, and he smirks as he hikes up my dress.

“We’ll be taking off soon,” he informs me. “And while we’re taking off, I’m going to get you off. I want you to come on my face just like this.”

I can feel the plane’s rumbling deep inside me. It's like sitting on top of a washing machine, and with Declan there, it’s almost too much.

“There you go.” He grips my thighs, spreading them wider. “Open up for me, baby. Let me see you. So pretty and pink and soft. Wet just for me, isn’t that right?”


The word ends on a sigh as he kisses my inner thigh, softly at first but then with enough force that he might leave a bruise.

“Fuck, I love the way you taste,” he groans. “Every part of you.”

Declan is ravenous. He presses his nose and mouth against my panties like they are a forcefield standing between him and what he really wants.

“Fuck,” I whimper as he lets out a hot breath that sends sparks shooting through me.

“Oh, I’m definitely going to fuck you.” He nips my inner thigh. “I’ve had dreams of fucking you on this plane. But first, I want to feast on you. Do you like the sound of that, Spitfire?”

“Yes,” I breathe, squirming restlessly as I try to urge his mouth to just where I want it.

The engines roar, and the plane starts its takeoff run, slicing its way across the runway. And just like his jet, Declan’s course is fixed. He pulls down my panties partially with his teeth as I lift my ass to aid him. I can already feel the wetness starting to seep from me as Declan slides his tongue right over my clit.

“Ahh!” I cry out loudly, throwing my head back.

“That’s right,” he growls approvingly. “Get loud for me, Spitfire. I want you screaming louder than the engines.”

The sensation is overwhelming. I close my legs around his head, but that only forces him deeper. His tongue dances around my folds, rhythmically circling my clit. As always, Declan is solely focused on me. He hasn’t come up for air since he started, and he completely ignores the jolting movements of the jet as it taxis along the runway.

I moan as the plane speeds toward liftoff, melting into the seat as he voraciously eats me out. All I can seem to focus on is how good Declan feels and the plane’s speed.

He positions his fingers at my entrance as he continually flicks my clit with his tongue. I can feel my orgasm bubbling within me, an explosion waiting to happen.

Just when I think I can’t take it any longer, he slides two fingers into my sopping wet pussy.

The plane is fully airborne, and so am I. My orgasm feels weightless as the plane rises to catch me from the spell of flight that Declan has put me under. I throw my head back and mumble, too dazed to form words.

“That good, huh?” Declan murmurs roughly before returning to work. “Don’t think we’re going to stop at just one.”

He continues to work his fingers in and out of me, eliciting sounds I didn’t know I was capable of making.

Even the rumble of the jet’s engines, the slight popping in my ears, can’t distract me from the waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

This is the work of a god.

“Oh, fuck!” I cry out as he pushes me into my second orgasm.

Something about sex here, high in the air with nothing but the clouds for company, surrounded by the pristine fixtures of Declan’s jet… it’s intoxicating.

“You taste even better up here,” he murmurs, curling his fingers against my g-spot. “Come on my face again. Fucking come.”

He bites down gently on my clit, and that’s all it takes to unleash a flood of pleasure from somewhere deep inside me. I ride my orgasm like the jet rides the currents of air, the slight pitch of the plane and the jostling of minor turbulence drawing out the pleasure.

My pussy is soaked and every muscle in my body is shaking by the time Declan withdraws his fingers. He’s going to have to carry me out of this plane; my legs definitely don’t work anymore.

“I want you to see how good you taste,” he murmurs as he lifts his index finger to my mouth.

“I didn’t know I could be this wet,” I manage just before his finger slips past my lips. The gesture alone is enough to turn me on all over again and I whimper, trying to move his other hand down to my pussy.
