Page 111 of The Boss Dilemma

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My heart pounds, and I’m practically squirming with arousal as I redouble my efforts, stroking and sucking him, struggling to get my lips as far down his length as possible. I can tell he’s getting close. His breathing is fast and hard, and I can taste more of his precum mixing in with my own saliva as I work his shaft.

“Eyes on me, baby. Look at me.”

Declan’s voice is a rasp, and I tilt my head a little so that I can look up at him through my lashes. His face is partially shadowed, beams of warm light washing over it at intervals as we pass streetlights and other cars outside. He looks almost tortured, his face contorted with a pleasure so acute it could almost pass for pain.

He looks so darkly handsome, so fucking perfect like this.

And he’s mine.

That thought sets off something primal in me, and I take him so deep that I really do gag this time. But I push through it, sucking in air through my nose as I swallow around the head of his cock.

The hand gripping my hair spasms, his hips jerking upward. “Goddamn, Sophie. Oh, fuck, you’re so—”

He throws his head back before he can complete the thought. I hum around his cock, sliding my hand lower to cup his balls, and that pushes him over the edge. Hot streams of cum jet from his tip as he throbs in my mouth, letting out a low string of curses.

“Don’t swallow yet,” he gasps as his cock gives another twitch. I obey, holding his release in my mouth as he finally pulls out. His grip on my hair loosens, and he trails his fingers down along my jaw, tilting my head up. “Let me see.”

My stomach flutters as I drop my jaw, giving him a view of his cum pooling on my tongue. He lets out a shuddering breath, and I see his cock jerk again in my periphery.

“Such a good girl,” he breathes. “Swallow it.”

I do, still on my knees in front of him, gazing up at him as he watches my throat work. His hair is disheveled, and I wonder if he had his free hand in it at some point as I went down on him. It makes him look less perfect and more human in a way I fucking love, as if I’m getting to see past the polished version of himself he shows the world, all the way down to the real Declan. The most basic, honest version of him.

And somehow, even though I’m the one kneeling, I feel as if I’ve brought this powerful man to his knees.

“That was incredible.” His eyes crinkle a little at the corners as he smiles, smoothing my hair back from my face. “I would ask what I did to deserve you, except I know I don’t deserve you. But I’m so fucking glad I have you anyway.”

My heart thuds heavily against my sternum as he reaches down, pulling me up onto his lap and kissing me with bruising force. His cock is still hanging out of his pants, and I feel it start to grow hard again beneath me, but before we can do anything about it, the car rolls to a stop. The spell is broken for a moment as I realize we must have reached our destination.

“We’d better go upstairs before you end up fucking me in the back seat parked right outside your condo,” I breathe, giving him one more kiss.

“Don’t think I wouldn’t,” he mutters, and just the tone of his voice lets me know he’s not joking.

I tumble off his lap and adjust my dress to cover my panties, trying and failing to stifle a breathless laugh. He must think that I’m laughing at his struggles to return his cock to his pants, because he smirks at me. As soon as he’s decent, he exits the car, shoving open his door with uncharacteristic force, and rounds the car to open my door. His helping hand is more like a vise as he pulls me forward from my seat.

“Get inside,” he growls as he slaps my ass, sending me to run ahead of him. He closes the door and slaps the top of the car once before striding after me.

We make it through the lobby and up the elevator to his penthouse, and as we spill through the door together and stumble into the foyer, his hands are already at the zipper at the back of my dress. He undoes it deftly, and slips it from my shoulders, his lips never leaving mine. His teeth graze my jawline as his mouth travels to my neck, where he sucks at an area of skin just above my collarbone. I feel a rush of pleasure and pain, both equally strong, and it makes my knees weak.

“God, I’ve been waiting to be inside you all night. I’ve been going out of my fucking mind. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are, Spitfire? What you do to me?”

He keeps muttering hungry, dirty words, telling me all the things he wants to do to me as he sucks and nips at my skin. I’d remind him that hickeys are sure to be a dead giveaway at work, but I’m too far gone to care. My dress is hanging off my shoulders, and my sanity is just as close to the edge, teetering. The dress falls, pooling at my feet, and he lifts me out of it to carry me to the couch.

He deposits me on the plush upholstery, hunger in his eyes despite the fabulous meal we just shared.

“Turn over,” he demands, and immediately, I feel a hot tremor of desire pulse through me.

When he isn’t calm and collected, there’s always an animalistic growl in his tone, laced with danger. But despite the raging, all-consuming fire in his voice, there’s also a note of deliberateness. He knows exactly what to do, exactly what his next move will be. He doesn’t even have to think about it.

And all I want to do—all I can think to do—is follow his every direction. Because right now, all I need is him, filling me up.

He bends me over the arm of the couch, his hands on my hips. I can hear the sharp, elastic snap of the condom’s latex as he readies himself.

I bring my shoulders down to the cushions, throwing my ass back at him, offering him everything I have.

Declan is a man used to getting what he wants. His cock, so hard that I can feel every vein, brushes my entrance. Once he’s checked to make sure I’m wet—and god, am I wet—he guides himself into me.

“Oh!” The moan escapes my lips before I can stop it. Every time he fucks me, he feels completely different, awakens new sensations within me.
