Page 110 of The Boss Dilemma

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“Well, if you’re feeling nervous,” I tell him, “I can give you a few pointers, if you like.”

He chuckles, flashing white teeth that glint in the candlelight. “Okay. Sure. Let me hear some.”

“Lesson one.” I reach out to tap the bottle of sparkling water between us. “Always offer to pour her glass for her.”

He leans back in his chair with a smirk, as though amused by me. Then, indulgently, he reaches to unscrew the cap.

“You’re something, you know that?” He laughs, pouring me some sparkling water.

“Hey, if you listen to all my tips, you might even get lucky at the end of the night.” I take a quick drink, my cheeks hot, and glance down at the pristine tablecloth.

It’s a little weird to be out on a real date with Declan, but in a good way. It feels fresh and new, different than any of our previous interactions because the meaning of everything is different. The context is different. We’re no longer fuck buddies, no longer a dirty secret. No longer swearing off feelings. Instead, we’re leaning into all of it. We’re dating, and it changes everything.

I can tell he’s enjoying this, how much heat there is between us even at the beginning of the night. The tension abates for a moment when our server returns to get our drink order.

Declan purses his lips, thinking for a moment before he says, “The Suntory Hibiki, please. On the rocks.” He glances at me in question, and I nod. “Make it two.”

The server nods and disappears like a wisp of smoke, and I shake my head, laughing. “That’s another insanely expensive whiskey, isn’t it? You’re gonna spoil me.”

Declan’s gray eyes warm, a smile sliding across his face. “That’s the idea, Spitfire.”

The whiskey is incredible, and we order food before getting another round. The food is amazing, and as the night wears on, I come to the conclusion that this is the best date I’ve ever been on, hands down. Declan guides me through the menu, and the chef turns out to be a phenom—I’ve never had a better cream sauce. We eat and drink and laugh, and before I know it, our meal is finished, our whiskey glasses empty.

The flush in my cheeks has only deepened throughout the course of the night. The sound of Declan’s voice, like the constant murmur of a river throughout our conversation, hypnotizes me.

The server returns with the check, but I barely notice. Details of the world seem to fade into the background around Declan. All of my focus is directed at him, his lips in the soft light. He smiles at me as we stand up to leave, his hand at my back an almost familiar presence by now.

When the car pulls up outside, he opens the door, and I see that the driver has already raised the partition. Smart man.

Declan closes my side, then rounds the car to get in on the other side. Before he can fasten his seatbelt, I pounce, practically crawling onto his lap. He pulls me closer and kisses me deeply.

His large hand begins creeping up my inner thigh. His fingers are hot, and I feel my body screaming yes, hungry for his touch between my legs—but instead, I pull away, shooting him a sly look.

“My turn,” I breathe. “You always take care of me. I want to take care of you this time.”

As I speak, I slip to the floor of the car in between his legs and undo his belt. It’s a bit of an awkward fit, but I make it work, determined to do this as arousal pulses through my veins. He assists, unbuttoning and unzipping his slacks. I reach into his pants and draw him out, his shaft hot and heavy against my palm.

“I like your cock,” I whisper. “I don’t think I’ve ever liked a man’s cock before. Never… craved it the way I crave yours.”

“Fuck, Spitfire.” Declan’s jaw clenches. “You keep talking like that, and I’ll come before you ever put your mouth on me.”

I grin, spitting on his rounded head and using it to slick the glide as I work my fist up and down his shaft. It’s not the first time I’ve gone down on him, and I know from experience what a jaw workout it is. But I like the stretch, the struggle to take as much of him as I can. It turns me on in a way I’ve never really experienced with another man.

Because it’s not just any man.

It’s Declan.

From this angle, his length and girth are a bit intimidating, but there’s something comforting about his hand gently cupping the back of my head.

As I take him in my mouth, he groans, a quiet, drawn-out sound. That singular sound is all the encouragement I need as I slide my tongue over the tip of his cock. His pleasure stirs something in me, a deep longing that manifests as wetness soaking the crotch of my panties.

Wrapping my lips around him, I suck halfway down his shaft and then pull back, and his grip on my hair tightens as his control starts to strain. The next time I bob my head down, he pushes me a little deeper. I suck harder, hollowing my cheeks, and he grunts and rolls his hips, barely maintaining his composure.

“You look so fucking good with your lips wrapped around my cock, Spitfire,” Declan murmurs. “Look at you working so hard to take it all.”

My eyes water as I take him deeper into my throat, and I blink the tears away, suppressing my gag reflex as well as I can as I squeeze the base of his cock with my hand. Spit runs down the length of his shaft, slicking the velvety skin, and my thighs clench as the first salty tang of precum hits my tongue.

“You want my cum, baby?” Declan’s fist is tight on my hair, his thigh muscles tense beneath my free hand. “Fuck, keep going. Just like that. You’re gonna make me explode.”
