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“Well… maybe I can stay for a couple of minutes.”

Melissa nods. She pays for her stuff, and we both walk out of the mall. A few minutes later, we arrive at Trisha’s. I’ve walked past this restaurant countless times, but I never once thought to stop and take a look. That was a mistake, because just like Melissa said, the food is delicious.

“Oh, my God.” I moan, chewing on my turkey sandwich. “Maybe it’s the hunger speaking, but this has to be the best turkey sandwich I’ve had in a really long time.”

Melissa chuckles, picking at her kale salad. “Yeah. my friend never gives her stamp of approval to any place if it isn’t top-notch.”

I nod, taking another bite of my sandwich. We eat in silence for a moment, and I look around the busy restaurant. The interior is very different from my place. Even as the bright blue walls give the restaurant a cozy ambiance, the floor-to-ceiling window, which looks out to the busy street, counteracts its negative effects.

Maybe I should do some work on the interior.

“So,” Melissa says, dropping her fork. “What’s the problem with the shop?”

“Um…” I shake my head. “I don’t–”

“Hey.” She reaches out, placing her hand over mine. “Kaylee, I’ve known you since you were a kid. You’re like a daughter to me.” She pauses. “If there’s anything I can do to help, I’d like to do it.”

She’s right. Ever since Dylan became friends with Ian, I tag along to their place on most weekends, and whenever the boys are cutting me out of their games, she’s the one I run to. She was like a second mom. Smiling at the thought, I turn back to her, shifting on my seat.

“The shop isn’t doing so well.”

“Why not?” She leans forward. I grab my milkshake, slurping loudly.

“Because I trusted the wrong person.”

Her brows crease and she angles her head. “What do you mean?”

“I had this friend; her name’s Rachael. We used to work together in the shop. She was my employee.” I pause, staring at the half-eaten sandwich on my plate. “She was the more outgoing one. She was the perfect people person. While I handled most of the baking, she dealt with the customers. One day out of the blue, she decided to open a pastry shop directly opposite mine, with a recipe she had stolen from me.”

“Oh wow.” Melissa places her hand over her mouth. “That’s terrible.”

“That’s not all.” I tuck back a strand of my hair. “Like I said, she was better with customers and sales, so when she left, she took most of customers with her.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that.”

“It’s fine. I mean, some customers stayed, but the expenses and revenue doesn’t add up.” I sip my milkshake. “I’ve been running at a loss for a some time, and if something doesn’t turn up, I might have to close down.”

Melissa shakes her head, staring into her plate. “How can I help?”

“Oh you don’t need to do anything.” I wave her off. “I already got it covered. I have a plan.”

“You do?” Her eyes light up. “What is it then?”

“I’m preparing to get funding from a company who gives grants to small businesses. It’s looking quite promising.”

“That sounds good.”

“It is!” I lean forward. “We’re thinking of a full rebrand. Interior design, new name, the works.”

“We?” she grabs her glass of water, taking a small sip.

“Oh yes. I totally forgot to tell you. Ian’s helping with the whole rebrand.

Melissa freezes with the glass still on her lips. Her eyes wide for a split second before she recovers.

“He is?” She drops the glass.

“Yeah.” I nod slowly, my eyes narrowing as I stare at her.

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