Page 17 of Felix and the Spy

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“I will be there.”

“Good.” He raised his eyes, waiting for a reaction. She tamped it down. Before he could ask her more questions about her praise kink, she left the office and rushed to the stairway. Report in hand, she leaned against the wall and took in a deep breath.

She shouldn’t have told him about the praise kink. Some of her partners had found it strange, indicating that something was wrong with her because she needed constant reassurance.

“I’m not sure I want to be with someone so insecure,” one of them had said.

The accusatory words rang in Amara’s ears. But she wouldn’t let it bring her down. The world was full of people who were afraid of owning their desires. She had no wish to join their ranks. Report in hand, Amara strolled back to her seat, recalling the way Felix’s voice had made her feel. She’d become so needy of late.

But Felix had asked for it. What was she supposed to say?

This was no big deal. People told their superiors about their kinks all the time.

She scoffed.

If she was just her boss, she’d never have told him. But he knew her like nobody else did. He knew the broken, lost, grieving parts of her that hid under the surface. Maybe she had wanted him to know—know how much she thought of him. Make him think about her just as much.

Amara stared down at her report, wondering where this one-sided infatuation was going.

* * *

When Amara returned late at night, the office was dark and empty, except for a lone lamp burning in Felix’s room. Amara had left work earlier that afternoon. She’d taken a walk along River Wolfburg, catching the famous sights in Inferno City. Lights burned bright in houses and restaurants. She’d eaten dinner alone, taking the time to read the correspondence received that afternoon. Among her letters was one that was unusual.

Dear Papa,

I am elated to inform you that I have proposed to Rina and she has accepted my hand in marriage. This news might come as a shock to you since I’ve never expressed an interest in anyone, but Rina took me by surprise. She works with me, and we have been going out for a year, but I didn’t want to tell you before. I am sure of my intentions.

We will visit you after the spring festival to receive your blessings. Rina looks forward to making your acquaintance. I know this is short notice, but I hope you’re as jubilant about this union as I am. This will also be the perfect opportunity to discuss your retirement and move to Aquarine. Rina thinks it is a great idea too.

Your son,


Flipping the envelope over too late, she realized it wasn’t addressed to her but to Felix. Someone must’ve gotten it mixed up. She should’ve checked the name on the envelope before slipping it in. It was too late now. She’d inadvertently stumbled upon his personal life. The right thing to do would be to return the letter to him.

That’s why she was standing outside his office at nine at night, long after everyone else had left work. Amara moved closer to it, knocking on the door before entering.

Bloodshot silver eyes caressed her as soon as she stepped in. Sitting behind the desk with a sheaf of papers on his table, Felix’s dark gray hair was mussed.

“Amara? I thought you’d gone home.”

“I did, but then I found this.” She placed his letter on the table. “It is a letter addressed to you. I don’t know why it was on my desk.”

“Thank you for bringing it to me.” He saw the sender’s name and opened the envelope. Realizing the seal was already broken, he pulled out the letter, and scanned its contents. When he was done reading, he looked back up.

“It looks like my son is getting married.” He exhaled deeply. “What wonderful news.”

He didn’t sound as enthusiastic about it as he should. “I know. I read it by accident. I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” He wiped his face with his hands.

“You don’t look thrilled. Are you worried he’ll ask you about selling the house?”

“I am happy for him. I hope he has found the love he deserves,” Felix said, his index finger brushing the pages on his desk nervously. “I can’t wait to meet his fiancee.”

“But?” she added.

He rubbed his bleary eyes. “He wants me to retire and move near him. He thinks my work is preventing me from healing. Max says l don’t have any real friends at work or in Sigilis. All this isolation is only making it harder for me to move on. A fresh start would help.”

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