Page 116 of One Last Time

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“Yes. I’ll have a vodka Sprite, thanks.”

“Sure thing.” Travis flags the bartender down with two fingers, an action that Carter has seen dozens of times now at work, but this time is by far the sexiest. The bartender nods at Carter before focusing on Travis. “Can I get a vodka Sprite and a Jack and coke? Thank you.”

As the bartender heads over to pour the drinks, Travis turns his focus back on Carter. “So, Carter, tell me about yourself.”

Carter laughs softly. “Not a ton to tell. I’m sort of boring.”

“Nonsense. A boy that looks like you?” Travis makes a psh sound, shaking his head. “What are you studying?”

“Psychology, for now.”

“Yeah? What’s the plan with that?”

“No plan. I’m just starting out. Tell me about this art studio.”

“People say I’m good.” Travis shrugs, his smile rueful. God, he’s so sexy. “I don’t see it, but they keep spending money on my shit, so…”

Carter rolls his eyes. “Playing modest? Really?”

“Humble,” he corrects. “I like humble better.”

“They’re just synonyms. They mean the same thing.”

Travis cocks his head. “You sure you’re studying psychology? Maybe English is more your thing.”

“Maybe they just buy your art out of pity.”

After a sexy chuckle, Travis drawls, “You’ve got teeth. I like it.”

“Buy me a second drink and maybe you’ll feel them.”

Genuine surprise lights up Travis’s face. Then his eyes turn heavy and dark, his tongue darting out to run along his bottom lip. “Is that so?”

“Maybe,” Carter echoes.

“I don’t know if I can let teeth get involved if a second drink happens.”

Speaking of drinks - the bartender delivers the first round, accepting Travis’s money and thanking him when Travis says no change.

By the time they’ve each taken their first sips, Carter has a response. “No second drink then.”

“Mmm.” Travis leans back against the bar, tilting his chin down and looking at Carter like he’s wondering if he’ll be able to get away with bending him over right fucking here. Then he agrees, “No second drink then.”

After spending some time talking about school, work, and friends - a lot of it surprisingly the truth with just a little bend to it - Travis asks Carter if he'd liked to get out of there with him. Carter flashes him a shy grin and mumbles something about living nearby, taking his hand and leading him outside.

Travis allows the fun to last until they make it through Carter's apartment door. Then he turns to Carter and asks, "Who do you want me to be?"

Carter doesn't even hesitate. "Sir."

They shed their game of pretend then, Travis wrapping his fingers around the back of the boy's neck and guiding him toward the bedroom. He has so many ideas for their night together. He can't wait to -

Travis stops short when he sees Carter's room. He turns to Carter for an explanation, a single eyebrow being raised enough to get the boy talking. "I couldn't figure out what to wear..."

"Was make a mess part of your instructions for the evening, Carter?"

Carter looks at the ground, shoulders curling slightly. "No, sir…"

"How am I supposed to play with you on that bed?"
