Page 115 of One Last Time

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“Okay, fair.” He squirms, rubbing against Travis’s cock like he’s trying to get it to harden. Such a tempting little thing. “What about my cute little mouth getting fucked?”

So. Fucking. Tempting.

“We’ll see.”

Chapter Seventeen

After an excruciating day of being sexually teased - verbally and physically - Carter is sent on his way to go follow Travis’s instructions. He does so to a T. Of course, it leads to his room being a complete mess because he tries on just about every piece of clothing he owns, but what Travis doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

It’s thankfully a chilly night, so Carter is able to take advantage of his obsession with sweaters - an obsession he realizes may have gotten a little out of hand as he systematically makes his way through his closet. He goes with the dark jeans that hug his ass perfectly, a white undershirt, and a light blue cardigan that Casey had told him makes his eyes look “hella blue” when they went shopping together. Oh, and maybe some sexy underwear underneath… not that he’ll be giving that away anytime soon. It’s the ace up his sleeve in case Travis tries not to give him some tonight. He dares that man to turn him down once Carter teases him about the lacey panties he’s hiding.

The address Travis sent to Carter brings him downtown, just one street over from the pub where he works. It’s a small bar, just shy of a hole in the wall. Carter frowns. It’s not exactly what he expected. For some reason, he was expecting them to be going to a fancy restaurant for a date, or to one of Hunter’s friend’s for a play party.

This is… just some bar.

Carter checks his phone, wincing when he sees he has less than a minute to be at the bar at the time he was told. He shoves his phone back in his pocket and hurries inside. Since he was told to be at the actual bar, he heads straight there, his eyes in a constant state of scanning as he searches the small area for Travis.

Only a handful of people are there, most of them looking like the average small towner. It doesn’t seem like a college hangout. Or maybe it’s just way too early. There is a rainbow flag hanging behind the bar, after all.

Since Travis didn’t say if he should order something, he tells the bartender he’d like some water when he comes over and asks.

He checks his phone again. 6:34.

Travis, where are you?

Nerves crawl through Carter’s stomach.

Just as the bartender arrives with his water, giving him a polite smile that Carter returns, a body comes up beside Carter, an arm brushing his. He startles and takes a step to the side. Then he realizes who is next to him.


He looks like sex on a fucking stick. His outfit is more casual than Nathan Roarke ever would have dressed, but still far less casual than the jeans and hoodies that Travis has been sporting most days. In a pair of well-fitting navy dress pants, a light gray v-neck sweater, a white collared undershirt with the collar and cuffs peeking out, and a brown leather belt, pair of shoes, and watch that all match, he looks… well, as Carter already stated - like sex on a fucking stick.

“Hey there,” the man says before Carter gets the chance to speak. He leans a forearm on the bar and slowly drags his gaze up and down Carter’s body. It’s enough to have Carter’s blood heating. “Haven’t seen you in here before.”


“Uh. Yeah. My first time…?” Carter asks.

“Yeah?” Travis licks his lips before settling his gaze on Carter’s face. It’s fucking predatory. “You from around here?”

What the fuck is he-



Carter fights a grin, understanding the game now.

They're rewriting their beginning tonight.

“I'm here for college, actually. You?”

“I’m an artist. My studio is just down the street.” Travis straightens, then extends his hand. “I’m Travis, by the way.”

Carter takes his hand, letting himself smile a little. “Carter.”

“Nice to meet you, Carter.” He flashes a grin that’s all teeth and danger and sex. “Can I buy you a drink?”
