Page 8 of Her Hot Neighbor

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I took in big gulps of air and held my tummy. It had been a long time since I had laughed like this and it was as if a pressure had been released.

When we stopped, Ryan straightened up and the moment was gone.

“I’ll wait outside. I was fixing the back door, by the way. I didn’t break in. Now, try and stay upright. Deal?” he said, giving me the thumbs up which looked so corny and yet somewhat adorable at the same time.

“Deal. And thank you.”

He shut the door. I tried to take in what had just happened. The fall in the bath I understood. It was the laughter. It seemed silly, but my whole body seemed lighter. All I had needed to perk myself up was to fall over in a bath and have some gorgeous stranger come and rescue my naked butt.

That aside, it was time to get dressed and go out and face him. There was no point in pretending he had not seen my boobs, my pussy, and my amputation. In some weird way this might be the start of a good friendship. I mean, after all, I had seen him naked as well, even if only in a medical capacity.

I dried off, put on my prosthesis, and got dressed. I could see a lump the size of an egg coming out on my forehead. At least I had not blacked out so I would be okay.

I took a deep breath and went to face the music. I found Ryan working on the back door. He stopped and turned his charming smile on me, but not before I managed to get a look at his taut butt in his workman pants. He probably had women falling all over him. Oh well, I could look anyway.

Ryan peered down at my leg. “Sorry about the foot thing. I didn’t break it, did I?”

“No, you didn’t. Can I make you a coffee, and then you can explain why you are in my house?”

“Love one. I own it.” He smirked. “That’s why I’m here. So, essentially, you’re in my house. I live next door and I’m doing renovations.” He waved a screwdriver in the air. “To make some cash to pay for it, I’m renting this one out. The agent told me you weren’t moving in until tonight even though I had signed the agreement. So, I came to fix the lock.” He picked his cell phone up from the counter. “I just checked my phone, and he had sent me a message saying you were moving in sooner. I didn’t see it. I’m really sorry.”

There was something refreshing about Ryan. There was no pretense, and he had a ‘what you see is what you get’ air about him. What I could see was extremely hot and handsome.

His medical notes stated he was thirty but still had a boyish charm about him. I was the same age and felt twenty years older. It was not just the responsibility of the job. It was me. My spontaneity had gone out the window a long time ago. If I was going to make the most of this year away, I should attempt to get it back. I just wasn’t sure where to start. I handed him a mug of coffee.

“I should be mad, but if you weren’t here, I would still be lying in the bottom of the tub, and I could have knocked myself out. I only just moved here and don’t know anyone, so it’s nice to know I have someone who can watch my back.”

“Or butt, boobs, and anything else you have on display.” He winked at me.

I shook my head at him for bringing up the scene in the bathroom.

“Thanks for pointing that out. If I wasn’t so professional, I’d be calling you back to the surgery for a six-week course of painful injections and rectal examinations.”

He put his hands up in the air. “You win. I’ll play nice. I hate needles and definitely not the rectal thing. Look, I think you and I have started off on the wrong foot. Sorry.” He burst out laughing again as he glanced down at my leg.

“That’s not funny. Has anyone ever said you have a sick sense of humor?” I could not help but laugh with him though.

“All the time. So, what I was trying to say is . . . can I make it up to you for invading your privacy? Even if the scene is indelibly printed on my brain—especially the boob bit and maybe the butt too. Let me take you out to dinner.”

I bit my lower lip. I shouldn’t. Should I? But then, he was not officially my patient, and it was just dinner. “I’d like that very much. Not having to get pots and pans out sounds good to me.”

“So, the incredible kitchen I’ve built will go to waste?” Ryan shook his head and pulled a sad face. “I’ve finished here for now. I’ll grab my tools and pick you up at seven. Thanks for the coffee.”

Then he was gone.

I had only known him since yesterday, and yet, the place seemed empty without him in it. There was something larger than life about Ryan. Well, he had to be at least six feet with wavy brown hair and hazel eyes. Yes, I noticed a lot about my hot neighbor.

No. I was being silly and probably a bit homesick and should just concentrate on my job.

As I drove to the surgery, I could not keep the smile off my face. Grant would crack up when he heard what had happened. He would be the only person I would ever tell. I should have sworn Ryan to secrecy as well. The bottom line was this guy made me laugh and smile, and it had been a long time since anyone had done that.

When I arrived at work, there was a long list of appointments. My day would go fast, and I could lose myself in my job. When all else failed in my life, work always grounded me.

* * *

As I drove home, I considered what to wear. I should have checked with Ryan where he was taking me. It might be to the local fast-food joint for all I knew. He didn’t come over like a five-star cordon bleu type of guy, but I could be wrong. I was smiling like a silly schoolgirl. It was a thank-you dinner, not a date. Just because he had seen me naked did not mean he fancied me.

Did I fancy him? Hell, yes. Who wouldn’t? The guy was hot with big guns. I chuckled to myself.

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