Page 60 of Her Hot Neighbor

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Autumn stuck her tongue out at him.

“See? I told you, Ryan. She’s not very mature. You need to rethink this. I know a nice ICU nurse who is available.”

Charlotte elbowed Grant, who was smirking.

Dorothy piped up next, “It’s my fault, Autumn. I told Ryan you’d said if you ever got married again, you would want something small. I told him to get on and do something a while ago or someone else would snap you up.”

I took her hand. “I’ve checked with your work, and they have someone covering for you. We’re all leaving tomorrow morning to fly to Cairns. The venue is booked for an exchange of vows. Once we get citizenship sorted, and if you are happy to live in Australia, we can get married properly. Or if you want to live in the UK, I don’t mind as long as we are together. I just didn’t want to wait.”

“I love it, and I can’t believe you all knew about this and didn’t let on.” Autumn kissed me and everyone cheered.

* * *

I was definitely the luckiest man alive as I turned to see Autumn walk down the aisle toward me. Her hair was up and that kissable neck of hers was on display. She wore peach-colored pants and a sexy top. I liked the way it dipped at the front and showed off her cleavage.

I thought back to the first day I’d seen her. My feelings had only grown since then. When I looked at her face, she smiled. That I could make her happy meant more to me than anything.

She had accepted we would not have kids, though both Autumn and Grant were going to do some research and see if there was any chance. Otherwise, we would adopt or try in-vitro.

I wanted to stay in Australia but would see where Autumn wanted to be. I’d told her I would give her time to make her decision, and I would stick to that. Our parents and family on both sides could come when we got married officially.

The celebrant spoke about us exchanging vows and then it was my moment.

My throat went dry when I took her hands in mine.

“You know I’m a man who is good with his hands. I’m a carpenter. There’s an honesty in wood. It shows what it has experienced. From the first moment we met, I saw something in you I’d never seen before. A beautiful soul shining. I wanted to know more, and fate chose to put us together. I will be beside you as we build our future together. I will be there to love and cherish you through all the years ahead.”



I loved this man so much. Who could have known making a crazy decision to come to Australia would result in this? He had put his heart and life on the line for me, and I would do the same for him in an instant.

Now, I stood holding his hands. I took a deep breath. When we did get married, this would still be the moment for me when we promised to be there for each other.

I glanced at Grant. My friend had been there for me over the years, and I would always be grateful. He nodded and smiled. It was the approval I needed. Charlotte took Grant’s hand in hers. For so long, I had believed it was impossible to find love. Grant and Charlotte had, and now I would cherish every moment of my own as well.

Ginny looked beautiful in a pink dress and Hudson wore a smart shirt with his jeans. Dorothy was glamorous in a stunning flowing pale blue dress and an amazing hat covered in tiny silk flowers.

I looked back at the gorgeous man in front of me.

“I know when I first met you, I thought you were funny, naughty, and definitely a bit sexy. I was at a point in my life where I had given up on love, but you made me believe again. You kept coming back and being there for me even when it meant you risked everything. I will love you now and forever for that.”

The celebrant spoke of our devotion to each other, told a few jokes, and then we kissed. A kiss that was as wonderful as our first, and it would not be our last. I had never thought life could turn out like this and my heart almost burst with joy.

* * *

Our small group returned to the restaurant where we celebrated with a meal and speeches. I dreaded to think what Grant was going to say when he stood.

“I am thrilled to be here today to see this lovely lady exchange vows with the man of her dreams. I first met her when we were training to be doctors, and I always knew she would do well. Probably because she is smarter than me, though I hate to admit it.”

“It’s true,” Autumn called out. “Did someone record that? I want it on record.”

“She didn’t manage to get the success in her personal life that matched her medical career. That was until she came to Australia and met Ryan. I think a certain dog had something to do with bringing them together, even though he is not with us today. For me as a long-time friend, it is good to see you smile again. To Ryan, I hope you know what you’ve let yourself in for. She can be a stubborn cuss.” Grant turned to Ryan. “You’re a strong man and I wouldn’t want to see her with anyone else. To both of you, I wish a wonderful future wherever you end up.”

Everyone raised their glasses. “To Autumn and Ryan.”

Grant came around the table and bent and pecked me on the cheek. “I was going to say to my pirate friend and her fellow buccaneer, but I thought you might take your leg off and throw it at me.”

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