Page 52 of Her Hot Neighbor

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“Isn’t it obvious why I am here? I’ve come to take you back with me, Autumn. I know this is a bit sudden, so I booked a little place for us to stay in case it took a while to convince you. I sent you pictures of the place, but you never replied. I knew then something was wrong, and I needed to find you.”

“You know this isn’t right, Kevin. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

He smirked at me and fisted his hand.

“I don’t think you quite understand, I’m not giving you a choice. It has to be done and once we spend some more time together, you will understand how much you need me. How much you have always needed me.”

“I think you should leave before I call the police.” I placed the drink down. I needed to get to my bedroom and call triple zero. There was no reasoning with him. He was insane.

I stood and made a run for it, but he was faster and tackled me to the floor. I thrashed out with my fists and tried to push him off, but his weight had me pinned down. I thought I had been scared before, but now fear coursed through my veins as my body shook.

I turned to the side and noticed the old iron doorstop. I hefted it and brought it against the side of Kevin’s head. Blood started to trickle from the wound on his temple. He was conscious although dazed. I pushed again and this time managed to roll out from beneath him. My legs were like jelly, but I ran to the bedroom and grabbed my phone. I was just about to dial the emergency number when Kevin ran into the room. I ducked and headed for the door but this time his fist connected with the side of my skull.

I was on the floor, but I didn’t remember falling. Then Kevin leaned over me. Everything was hazy as if I were looking through a fog. I shook my head, but that caused the pain to get worse as it speared down my neck. Kevin was laughing, it was so loud, and I thought my head would explode. I tried to move but my body was no longer cooperating with me. I had to get up if I was going to survive. I grabbed the end of the bed to pull myself up, but before I got to my feet his hand slapped me across my cheek. The force sent me across the room to connect with the wall and the world went black.



Every time I had gone home over the years, it would end up in arguments. I always felt as if I was the bad son because I hadn’t stayed. The truth was, I would have made everyone’s life hell if I had. I held grievances and with good cause.

Mom was sick and I felt sorry for her, but we had fallen out years ago. I had so much anger in me from being dragged from house to house while she stayed with men who treated her badly. Let alone what had happened to me and my brother. When I was old enough, I had beaten one of the men up. He had beaten me with his belt and was about to start on my brother. I snapped. Violence didn’t fix violence, but I felt better at the time. I knew I needed to leave when Mom chose the man over us. I couldn’t stay and watch her get hurt anymore.

Now Mom was sick again. Her kidneys were shutting down, and she was on dialysis while she waited for a donor, but at least the doctors said they were happy at the moment that she was stable. Both me and my brother, Paul, had stayed at the hospital all day thinking she wouldn’t make it, but she’d pulled through. I wanted to pop outside the hospital and talk to Autumn more than anything. I just wanted to hear her voice.

It was nine, and I should have called earlier but had not been able to get away. She didn’t answer so I left a message.

“Sorry I couldn’t call earlier. Will tell you all about it later. Give me a call back when you can.”

As our mother was doing well, I went back to my brother’s house.

Paul gave me a beer as we sat on the back deck. “I think we both see what we need to do. Mom doesn’t want to live on her own, and I don’t have the room here. Plus, Jenny would kill me. Two kids and a toddler are as much as we can cope with.”

“I’m not coming back.” I’d had to say it before the suggestion was made.

“I know, and I wouldn’t expect you to. You and Mom in a house together would only end in bloodshed.” My brother laughed—it was sad but true.

I was willing to throw money at the problem. Not because it was the easy way out but because it was needed. It would take me longer than I thought to do up my cottage, but Mom would be okay, and I could stay away. “So, tell me about this retirement village?”

“It’s not far from us and has about forty units. They are mostly two-bed, one-bath, with not much garden. Mom had a look before she got sick and loved one of them. I have put an offer in on it. It’s also close to the hospital where she will go for treatment.”

“I’m in. Just tell me what you want.” I took a deep breath and added, “She had a rough time and we all make mistakes. She deserves some peace and quiet.” It killed me to say it, but it was only doing me harm to hold a grudge.

Paul shook his head. “You deserved more. It was tough on us both but worse for you.”

“It was never your fault, Paul. It is what it is.”

My brother was peering at me. “I don’t know what’s going on, but you’re different. You were always hard before and angry. I felt you came home because you had to, not because you wanted to.”

Shit, my brother was getting all deep and meaningful. I did not want to show stuff, but now I could see that pretending things were not happening was not helping anyone, including me. I had the ability to help, and it would be wrong to do otherwise. Also, I could imagine telling Autumn, and her giving me what-for for doing nothing.

“I’ve met someone who has shown me there is more to life than living day to day.”

“I’m amazed. You mean there’s a woman out there who’s prepared to put up with you for more than a one-night stand?”

“I know. It surprised me as well. I haven’t said anything yet, but it’s serious, well at least where I am concerned.”

“So, when are we going to meet her?”

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