Page 50 of Her Hot Neighbor

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I was setting out questions to ask patients about their asthma plans when the revving started outside again. If Dorothy didn’t call the police, I would. It was a pity Ryan had taken Bluey with him. I would have used him to scare the idiots away. Bluey would have probably licked them to death though.

It occurred to me for the first time that the street was a bit isolated. The cottages were on the outskirts of town in a cul-de-sac with fields behind them. There was one streetlight, but it didn’t cover the whole area. With Ryan around, it hadn’t bothered me, but this car constantly revving was unsettling.

Eventually, the car drove off, and I went to bed. I would check on Dorothy in the morning to make sure she was okay. I tossed and turned, but eventually sleep came.

I came awake with a start. There had been a loud bang—or had I imagined it? I lay there for a minute, waiting to see if there would be another one.


I reached for the clock on the bedside table. It was three in the morning. Maybe it was a tree branch. It had been dry, and I had heard gum trees could drop big limbs like the one that had blocked our path months ago. Yet again, I wished Ryan was here.

I got out of bed and grabbed my crutches. I went to the back of the house and turned on the outside light. There was nothing obvious amiss, but I would get a better look in the morning. After heading to the front of the house, I stopped when there was a thud against the door. My blood pounded in her ears and my whole body shook.

What the hell?

Was someone trying to scare me?

Well, it was working.

I moved to the front bay window to peek outside. There was no way in hell I was going out there. I couldn’t see anyone so, for now, I would go back to bed. If it happened again, I would call the police.

It took ages for me to get to sleep again, but finally, exhaustion overtook me.

* * *

In the morning, I got dressed and had a good look at the back of the property and across into Ryan’s house. A branch had come down in his garden from a gum tree. It wasn’t that big and still didn’t account for the noises that came from the front of the cottage. I would check the front garden and then pop over to see Dorothy before I went to work.

Two big rocks were by the front door and a mark on the wood where they had hit. What person got their kicks from throwing rocks at people’s houses? My hands trembled as I picked up one of the rocks and went back inside. If I had been standing by the door, I would have been seriously injured by it. I grabbed my cell phone and tried to call Ryan. I wanted to let him know what was happening, but there was no answer.

Instead, I would Face Time Grant. Luckily, he was there and answered. Seeing his face immediately reassured me.

“Hi, Grant. Thought I would catch up and see how you are going back in the US.” I didn’t want to dump the business with the rock straight on him or he would be jumping on a flight.

“It’s busy, but good. The kids are a handful, but I love them. I’m guessing this isn’t a random call. What’s wrong? Ryan hasn’t broken your heart, has he? We swapped numbers, so I can call him and let him know he’s an idiot if you want.”

“No, he’s fine. He just had to pop home to Melbourne and see family. Something did happen though since you left. Jonathan turned up and said you told him where I lived. I didn’t believe him, of course, and told him as much.”

“You know I’d never do that. What a prick. Are you okay?” I could see the anger in Grant’s expression.

“I know you wouldn’t, but I think he may have followed you from Sydney. He is a creep, and I’m fine, and hopefully, he took the hint. I think he and Geraldine are on the rocks and he wanted to shack up with me till they sorted it out. I told him to take a hike.”

“I am so proud of you. He never deserved you. Maybe Geraldine has seen the light as well.”

I took a deep breath before I went on. “I didn’t get much sleep last night though. I had some fool driving like mad up the street and throwing rocks.”

“Did you call the cops?”

“No, but I will if it happens again. It was probably kids being silly.” I took a big breath wanting to change the subject. “There is something else. I’ve been thinking of telling Ryan I care about him.”

“Autumn. That sounds dangerously close to you using the L-word.” He smiled.

“I know. I never thought I would again. If it all goes horribly wrong, I will turn up on your doorstep and bawl my eyes out. Be prepared to have lots of wine and chocolate.”

“You know you will always be welcome.”

“I’ll call you on the weekend and let you know how it goes.”

“Take care and be positive. I’m sure the guy adores you.”

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