Page 41 of Her Hot Neighbor

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Why did I keep pushing her? If I didn’t watch myself, I would shove her away, and I would not even get the year with her.

We all met in the lobby and walked to the building below the bridge. I stood at the door and peered at the commanding structure above. I worked with wood but could admire the craftsmanship it had taken to make this. The men who had labored on it had done so without all the safety harnesses of today. I had read they used to throw red-hot rivets at each other and that the harbor floor below the bridge had been covered in the ones they didn’t catch. From what I knew at least fifteen men had died building it.

The guides showed us a video about the bridge and then got us suited up to walk. Grant led our little group, then Hudson and Charlotte. Autumn was in front of me, and I would watch and make sure she was okay. If something happened to her, I would never forgive myself. Plus, I got to look at her butt. That just reminded me of last night.

“How are you going?” I asked as I could see her hands were shaking.

“I’m scared but in a good way. Just make sure you catch me if I fall.”

The tour guide motioned for us to make our way along the gangway above the road as cars raced past beneath. Then we climbed up a ladder to ascend the span. When we got to the top, Autumn had tears in her eyes as she turned to hug me.

“Thank you so much for suggesting this. I never thought I would be able to do it.”

“It was all you, Autumn. I believe the woman I know can do anything she puts her mind to.”

She kissed me quickly on the lips, and we all did the obligatory photograph with our hands in the air at the top. I hadn’t taken any pictures of Autumn. This might be the only memory I would have of her with me when she went back home to England. Maybe she would stare at it someday and want to come back.

When we got down and were changing, my phone pinged with a message.

Unknown: I need to see you. Can you send me your address? Chris.

I racked my brain as to who the message might be from. I didn’t know anyone called Chris who would have my number. If it was important, they would give me a call. It was probably a wrong number anyway.

We all walked to the hotel, and Grant talked about going to the aquarium. Autumn’s hand brushed against mine as we strolled along and I grabbed it. There was no point in pretending I didn’t want to. Charlotte’s gaze went from our entwined hands to my face, and she smiled. It looked like I was doing the right thing for once.

The next hour was spent looking at all manner of sea creatures and Hudson loved it. I went to the restroom, and when I came back, Charlotte and Autumn were talking but couldn’t see me.

“So, are you and Grant thinking of having more children?”

“I think our girl, Ginny, and Hudson will be enough. Neither of us ever expected to have any with my issues. What about you?”

“One day, I will get to meet your Ginny. I’ve seen so many pictures of her.” Autumn sipped on her soda. “When I was married, I thought we might have kids, but then we broke up. I put all my energy into my job, so I’ve never really thought about it again. Now, I think I would like a baby. I could bring one up on my own, I believe, if I had to.”

“Looks to me as if you have a great sperm donor on-hand at the moment.”

Autumn shook her head. “Ryan is lovely but just a friend. I’ll be going back to the UK. The deal is that it was only for the year.”

I coughed and made my presence known. I needed to forget ideas of a future with Autumn. I knew in that moment I would never be able to give her what she wanted.

As we arrived back at the hotel, my phone pinged again.

Unknown: Are you ignoring me? You didn’t in the past. I told you this was important. If you don’t give me your address, I’ll find out some other way.

“Are you okay?” Autumn asked as she touched my arm.

I stared at my phone with a puzzled expression. Who the hell is this?

“I’ve been getting some weird text messages, but I don’t know the number. Said they want my address, which I have no intention of sending to some random.”

Autumn went wide-eyed, but I didn’t want to worry her. She had put up with enough strange people trying to contact her as it was.

“Having been the victim of a stalker, I know that there are some peculiar people out there,” she said.

“I’ll send a message back and see if I can find something out.” This was our last night together in Sydney, and I didn’t want to be bothered by anything else.

I sent a text.

Ryan: Not sure if you have the right number.

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