Page 4 of Her Hot Neighbor

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I tried to imagine she was a strict schoolteacher. That didn’t work at all.

I would let her smack me with a ruler anytime. Stop being a dick.

I followed her down the corridor to the consulting room. This Doctor Blake looked about my age, around thirty. She limped, not much but I picked it up. I noticed stuff. It was a knack, but one that had not helped me in any way. I watched people but not in a creepy stalker way. I just liked to be prepared. It had helped me at times growing up. People’s bodies could give you a clue about what might happen next. A wink, a fisted hand.

This doc would probably not appreciate the fact I was staring at her legs right now. My gaze moved up. She had a good ass too. Round and firm in her smart pants.

I sat in the consulting room and took a deep breath. Fuck it. Too late to run. I was going to vomit. Doctors were cool with that, right? I should have kept thinking about her butt. Then again, maybe they couldn’t do the test if I had a hard-on. She would take it as a compliment, right?

Doctor Blake sat down and peered at me. “Hello. I’m Doctor Blake. So, how can I help you today?” She smiled and briefly looked at her computer and my medical profile.

All doctors said that statement about helping you. Were they taught at medical school to have that as an opening line? I want you to check out my dick was most likely not the response she would expect right now.

“I was . . . I mean . . .” I ran my finger around the neck of my shirt even though it was not tight. Fuck. It was suddenly hot in here.

“If you want to talk about something personal, I can assure you it will be in complete confidence.”

Was I that obvious? The walls of the room were closing in on me.

“I need to get my junk checked out.” As usual, my mouth had run away before my mind was in gear. There was a slight curl of her lip as she almost sniggered. Maybe she was not so straight-laced under that cool veneer after all. Don’t go there.

“Is there any reason you would like a sexual health check at this time? Do you have any current symptoms that are concerning you?”

Again, with the smile. How did doctors do that? They could ask questions about something like sex or your privates, and it came out as if they were asking if you wanted sugar in your coffee.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that. Bit nervous, I guess. I haven’t got any symptoms but thought it might be a good idea. Try and be a bit responsible and all. It’s been a while and Doc Wilson kept telling me I should.”

“That’s very admirable. I wish everyone thought that way. Let’s start with taking your blood pressure and you can tell me a bit about your sexual history.”

The gorgeous Doctor Blake took my blood pressure. I could cope with this.

“Well, let’s see, I suppose I’ve had about twenty sex partners over the years. It isn’t that many, is it?” Perhaps I should not be asking her that. I might not like the answer. Some of my mates had had less, but some had had more, a lot more. I was in about the middle.

She typed into the computer, and I was tempted to take a peek. Maybe she had put down ‘randy bastard’. Nah, that would be unprofessional, and she looked like a stickler for the rules being correct. She asked a few more questions and checked my pulse.

“I think I have all the information I need. I’ll let you get undressed so we can do the examination.”

She left me behind the curtain to strip off and get on the examination table so she could take a swab. The idea of her staring at my dick didn’t worry me, but sticking a swab up the end was another thing altogether. I covered my middle with the paper sheet she had given me. At least I was not standing to attention so far. She might have a cold spoon out there she could deflate me with.

Doctor Blake pulled back the curtain. She had gloves on. Shit, this was getting serious. I laid back and shut my eyes. I would have been happy with a blindfold at this point. But that would have been a bit kinky, and I needed to be a little bit sensible. This woman was going to have my privates in her hands. I did not want to annoy her at a time like this.

“This won’t take long . . . all I need to do is take a swab from the end of your penis.” She smiled. “You know, it’s a good idea if you keep breathing. I don’t want to have to call an ambulance because you asphyxiated on the examination table.”

I opened my eyes and sucked in a gulp of air. The lovely doctor had a bit of a smirk on her face again. She probably thought I was being a big kid, which was true.

I could just see the death certificate. Patient died because he held his breath while swab was taken from his dick. It would make the local press and everyone in town would laugh. Katoomba was not a big place, but at least my demise would bring some joy.

One big inhale and five seconds later, it was done. It had made my eyes water a bit, but my imagination had been a lot worse. For some reason, the vision in my head had been of a red-hot poker. The lovely doctor examined my balls and then covered me up.

“I’ll give you a form for a urine and blood test. That way we are checking for all the common sexually transmitted diseases. Doctor Wilson will give you a call when he gets the results back. I’ll let you get dressed.” She pulled the curtain back around.

I had never gotten dressed so quickly. Now the deed was done, I wanted to be on my way even if Doctor Blake was gorgeous. I sat and fidgeted as she typed her final notes and gave me the forms.

“Is there anything else you would like me to help with?” She smiled again.

“Nope, I’m good. I’ll be honest—I hate doctors. Nothing against you. Had a habit of getting into a lot of scrapes as a kid and spent more than my fair time in emergency departments. My brother and I drove our mother mad.”

“I won’t take it personally. It was nice to meet you.”

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