Page 35 of Her Hot Neighbor

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“He lived with his mother. I know that isn’t so strange as a lot of people do these days to save money. He took me to visit her, and I sensed his contempt for everything she did. It was embarrassing to be there, and I felt sorry for her.” Autumn took another deep breath. “You would have thought that would have been a warning sign, but I didn’t see it. Then his mother died. She was sick, but I was suspicious that he might have hastened her end. I couldn’t prove anything, but I distanced myself from him.”

“What the fuck? He killed his own mother?”

Autumn took another swig of brandy. “I told him I was going back to work and he didn’t need to keep coming around. He didn’t take it well. He would watch my apartment and follow me. Then he broke in and got violent and smashed things up. I couldn’t prove it but managed to get a restraining order against him.”

“I’m glad to hear it. So why is this bothering you now on the other side of the world?”

Autumn stood and brought her computer over. She opened her emails and handed the laptop to me.

There were at least seven emails from this nutcase, some asking what she was doing and pretending they were still friends. Kevin had sent more emails with pictures of holiday homes around Australia. Some were in Queensland and Tasmania, and even one in the Blue Mountains. It was as if he was trying to find out where she was by prodding her to reply. I could feel the anger building inside me. If the guy were here now, I would beat the crap out of him.

“I want to hate him but to be honest, he’s mentally sick and needs counseling. I suggested it once, and he said there was nothing wrong with him. I don’t know how he got my email address, but I’ve blocked him.”

Autumn was the ultimate professional. I had seen her save a man’s life in a waiting room and stay calm. That meant nothing. She was lost and floundering. I wanted to say so many things. To state I would do anything to protect her, but she had already dealt with a guy being over-possessive. This Kevin had been there for her at the beginning. I wondered if it wasn’t remorse for what he had done but whether he had run her down on purpose. Had he been watching her before then? I had too many dealings with unstable men in my past. I needed to control my reaction or I would frighten her. She didn’t deserve that. For the first time in my life, I would be sensible.

“I think you need to contact the UK police and let them know. I’m not sure about restraining orders in the UK, but here in Australia, any form of contact even on social media is breaking the order. This guy needs to be locked up.”

Autumn’s eyes watered. She was sad and scared, but I could see the relief there. Did she think I would not believe her? Hell, she had been through so much. I pulled her into my arms and held her until the trembling stopped. No one had done it for me. This was good. I could be the light for someone else.

Time passed as we held each other. We didn’t say anything. It was weird and wonderful. Just both of us being there for another human being. When we finally came apart, she took a deep breath and peered at me. The confident doctor wasn’t there but someone who was ready for a fight knowing someone had her back.

“Will you sit with me while I contact them? It will make me feel stronger.”

I nodded. She sent the emails and called the police contact she had in London.

Autumn shook the whole time, but I held her hand or kept my arm around her as she dealt with everything.

When she was done, I held her tight. I didn’t say anything. Eventually, we came apart, and she kissed me.

Her lips touched mine, and everything was different. The kisses from my past meant nothing to this. It was not a passionate kiss that we could lose our minds and take our bodies where they wanted to go. It was a thank you and I trust you kiss. Nothing had touched me like this before.

“It’s wonderful to know I have you here. For so long I’ve felt like I needed to deal with the world on my own.”

“Not anymore, and I now volunteer my services to be your bodyguard while you’re here.”

“I’m sure it will all be sorted a long time before then. Now let’s eat. I’m starving and someone promised me chocolate.”

* * *

Autumn needed cheering up, and Jamie had come to the rescue. I had not seen my old schoolmate in years, but the phone call last night had made me smile. Jamie was shooting a film in the Blue Mountains, of all places. I hoped my old friend would behave now I had a lady on my arm, but there were no guarantees. Autumn said she would go to the reception that was being held for the press.

I put on the one suit I owned and paraded in front of Bluey. My dog howled. Shit, did I look that bad? “What would you know anyway? You think snakes are food.”

I headed next door and rang the bell.

Autumn answered and looked stylish as always in a beautiful dark red pantsuit.

“You’re stunning.” I meant every word. She had taken my breath away the first time I had seen her, and the feeling didn’t lessen each time I saw her.

“Thank you. I really appreciate you taking me out to cheer me up. You look pretty good yourself too, not that I don’t like your trade clothes. They are sexy too.”

“The lady thinks I’m sexy. I am onto a winner here. To be honest, suits don’t feel right to me. I feel more comfortable in sweats or when I’m with you in nothing at all.”

“I like you in nothing at all too. Now, so I am prepared, what did you tell your friend about me?”

“I just said you were my neighbor.”

“Did you tell them it was with benefits?”

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