Page 24 of Her Hot Neighbor

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I eventually calmed and laid my head back against his chest. I wanted to say, “thank you,” but it didn’t seem enough. He was chipping away at my reserve, and I needed to stop myself from saying more than I should. It had been so long since someone had taken the time to care about what I wanted it was almost overwhelming. I could feel tears threatening to fall. Like the laughter, Ryan brought out my emotions I kept hidden.

Eventually, he moved his hands and embraced me in a hug that made me almost want to purr. How weird would that be?

“I think I could get used to that,” I said and shivered. The water was now only lukewarm even if our bodies had been at boiling point.

“I think it’s time we get out and I take you to bed, or I’ll be living with a boner all afternoon.”

I leaned forward and he jumped out, dried off, and wrapped a towel around himself. I pulled the plug and took a deep breath. He would see my stump again on my left leg. It was just easier to get out when there was no water so I would just have to be brave and suck it up. I grabbed the edges of the bath and lifted myself forward onto one knee, my butt on full display. I would normally struggle to get over the side and sit on the chair. That was when I was on my own. Today I had an audience and wanted to close my eyes rather than look at him.

This time I didn’t need to struggle as Ryan scooped me up and sat me on the towel on the chair. “I think I’ll put some handrails in to help you, though it was nice to get the peek at your ass,” he said, pecking me on the cheek then drying himself off. “I’m sorry I didn’t put a separate shower in now, the room’s big enough for one. I might see my plumber mate, Steve, about it. I see you’ve bought a new shower curtain as well. I need to give you money for that.”

“There’s no need for a new shower other than this one, but I wouldn’t mind the handrails.” I wrapped the bath sheet around myself and dried off. It meant so much to me that he thought about what I needed.

Yelping and barking sounded from next door. It had to be Bluey, and it didn’t sound good.

“Okay, come here, lovely lady.” Ryan carried me to the bedroom and laid me on the bed. “I’ll chuck my jeans on and go check him out. He likes to chase and attack the snakes. Costs me a bloody fortune at the vet.”

“Could you bring back my prosthesis or my crutches?” There was no way I wanted to be left here if he was stuck with his dog.

He came back, kissed me on the lips, and headed off. Bluey was such a sweetie of a dog, I hoped he would be all right. I grabbed my bathrobe and wrapped it around myself. My phone pinged with a text from Ryan.

Ryan: Bluey has a snake bite and I’m taking him to the vet’s.

Autumn: I’ll see you out front.

I grabbed my crutches and headed for the front door. Ryan was walking toward his pickup with his dog in his arms. Bluey didn’t look as if he was moving, and my heart ached.

“Oh my god, Ryan. Is he still breathing? Can I do anything?” I was a doctor but felt useless.

“I called the vet’s and they know I am on the way. If they can get an antivenom in him I hope he’ll be okay. He is a silly bugger, but I love him. I’ll call you and let you know what’s happening.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come?”

“It’s all good. I’ll call.”

And then he was gone. I went back inside and didn’t know what to do. I wanted to be there for both of them, but they were where they needed to be right now.

I went into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed but didn’t want to sleep. My body was too keyed up, and my mind was working overtime about Bluey. I had not known the dog long, but I didn’t want him to be in pain or worse. No, I would not accept that outcome.

I dressed and went back to the lounge room. I read for a bit and then did some more study on my research project and presentation. Normally, I could lose myself in my work but not today. All I could think of was a sick dog and his lovely owner. I kept checking my phone but there was no news.

I needed to talk to someone about the decision I had made about Ryan, so I talked to the only person I really trusted.

I Face Timed Grant. He replied and looked relaxed in a T-shirt and sweats. I missed my friend even if I was nervous about what I was going to tell him.

“I’m going to have to get you a giant world clock. You always call at crazy times. The kids never seem to get the idea of sleeping at the right time either. That aside, how are you going?” Grant asked.

I could not hold it in any longer.

“I am good. Incredible actually, even though today has been a bit crazy. I’ve met someone, Grant. He’s my neighbor, and I might be getting close to him. But today his dog got bitten by a snake, and I think I don’t know what to think.” I was always so calm and calculated, and now I was just waffling on.

Grant would realize how big an issue this was. I didn’t trust easily. It wasn’t necessary, but I felt as if I required his approval.

“Yes.” He fist-pumped the air. “I knew Australia would be good for you. You know, sometimes you have to take that chance and do something you never thought you would. Look what happened to me. If I hadn’t gone to the States, I would never have met Char. So, tell me about him and his dog.”

“He is tall, handsome, and kind and owns the cottage I am staying in. His dog is so sweet but looked flat when he took him to the vet’s. I feel so bad. I can’t stop thinking about him, but then I think about his dog. You know me, I hate seeing anyone or anything in pain. He was here with me when it happened.”

“I’m sure the vet will do a good job, and don’t feel guilty because for the first time in a long time you are actually doing something for you. I think whatever happens with his dog you will be there for him. Trust me, sometimes adversity can make you closer.” Grant gave me a thumbs up. “By the way, we will definitely be visiting in July. I hope we get to meet him.”

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