Page 26 of Glamorize

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Jack scanned the area and then pointed to someone coming out through the patio doors from inside. She wore a large sunhat and glasses, but I would have known her anywhere. It was as if everyone stopped talking and the world slowed down for just a minute. The one thing I felt I could hear was my heart beating fast in my chest. I knew the curve of her waist and had run my hands over those hips. She was here.

“There she is. Avery was at some meeting with her business partner, Patrick, so was late. He is such a laugh, and his husband Paul arrives today as well.”

For the first time in a long time, I found myself lost for words. What the hell did I do now? I could leave but that would be odd. I would have to meet her eventually. I would take the easy way out and let her decide how we both would play this out. I had wanted to see her again so much but not like this. Not with an audience of her relatives around.

“Your mouth is hanging open catching flies, mate.” Jack punched my arm. “That’s just weird you ogling Avery. Declan and I used to have pool fights with her when she was small.”

“She isn’t small anymore.”

“Stop it. That’s my cousin.”

I watched as she chatted with Callie and cuddled one of her nieces. I had a thought. Perhaps if Avery wasn’t interested in me then maybe Emmy might want to catch up with Corey again.

Then it happened. She glanced around and her eyes settled on me. I thought she would look away, but she didn’t. Was she as shocked as I was? I wish she wasn’t wearing the sunglasses so I could try and guess what she was thinking. Most likely, ‘what the fuck are you doing here?’ Should I get up? I didn’t know what to do. She turned away.

“I need a drink.” I headed over to Declan at the BBQ where he was cooking and grabbed a cold beer. I drank half of it down in one gulp.

“Slow down. There’s plenty more where that came from,” Declan said.

“It’s hot. I think I’ll go and get changed and take a dip.”

“Don’t be too long. The food will be ready soon. People will be fighting their way here.”

Inside the house, I gazed at the front door. I could just leave, but I wanted to see her, talk to her, and do a lot more. No, I was not a coward. I went to the cloakroom with my bag and changed. I didn’t look left or right when I went back outside but dived in the pool. The cool water would bring me back to my senses so I could cope with seeing the woman I had not forgotten for the past three weeks.

When I came up from under the water, I thought I was prepared for anything. I wasn’t prepared for Emmy/Avery in her swimsuit. I had not forgotten how great her tits were and my dick was hardening despite the cold water. I would not be getting out any time soon at this rate.

She was wearing a bikini that I recognized from Australia. She had bought it in Port Douglas on our last day together when we had gone around the town. She had laughed so much that night and we had drank cocktails and watched the sunset, even if we had been covered with mosquito repellant. Then we made love. Damn, where did that come from? I had sex with people, I didn’t make love.

She was chatting with Lincoln. He was one of the other stars on the show. Tall, handsome, and muscles that popped. He was also recently divorced and from what I had heard, on the prowl. She was not my woman, but I didn’t want his hands on Avery. I didn’t want anyone’s hands on Avery but mine. I was delusional. It had just been a fling for her.

My hands fisted and I needed to take a few deep breaths. Declan called out that the food was ready. Apart from my friend doing his Aussie BBQ the rest of the food was provided and served by caterers. There was only one thing I was hungry for, and it wasn’t on the menu. I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to approach Avery, but Lincoln was still hovering by her side. He even guided her to two seats on the far side of the pool. Damn.

I helped myself to food but put the plate down. I could not take my eyes off her. She picked up her glass and took her sunglasses off. Lincoln was leaning in and whispering something in her ear, but it was me she was looking at. My heart pounded. If I had any doubt before it was gone. I still wanted her. I just had to convince her of the same.

Callie’s friend, Audrey came and sat next to me. I liked her. She reminded me of my nan who had passed away years ago. She was a classy no-nonsense lady.

“I haven’t seen you for a while, Flynn. Where have you been hiding?”

“I had a bit of trouble a while back and went for a trip to Australia. You know me and my temper.”

“From what I heard from Mitch you were in the right. Then again, I never doubted that.” She sipped her drink. “I loved Australia when we were there for the wedding. It was such a pity you couldn’t make it. I would love to go back again.” She touched my arm. “I hope your mother is better now. I heard she was unwell.”

“She is, thank you. Just a bit of a chest infection but the doctor said she is over it.” I knew Audrey really meant it. She cared about people. I had heard the story of how she had helped Callie and Declan get together. Maybe she could work her magic on Avery.

“Do you know Declan’s cousin, Avery? I hear she’s visiting.” Avery got up and made her way over to the bar near the back door. Thankfully, this time Lincoln did not follow her. I didn’t want to get into a fight with a cast mate. Somehow, I didn’t think it would endear me to Avery.

“I noticed your eyes have been wandering in her direction.” Audrey leaned in. “She is lovely. I see she is talking to Lincoln. He is nice, but I don’t think Avery is interested. Would you like me to introduce you? I could, but you have to promise me to behave.” She giggled.

“You know I always do what you tell me, Audrey.”

“You and Lionel are the same. A pair of sweet talkers.” Audrey walked to the bar and hugged Avery then pointed in my direction. This was the moment of truth. What if she told me to go to hell. She had only wanted sex for the four days, and I had agreed to the deal. I shouldn’t be pestering her now.

Avery glanced my way with a wicked grin on her face. I wanted to stomp over, throw her over my shoulder, and take her away from here. They both walked toward me and I stood.

“Flynn, I wanted to introduce Avery. She is Declan’s cousin from Australia.” She turned to Avery. “He was just telling me how he had visited there recently. He went to the tropics. I have only visited Adelaide when I saw you for the wedding. I shall have to go back again. Lionel and I would love it if you showed us some of the sights.”

“I would love to. Just let me know when you are coming. We are a very big country. A bit like the US.”

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