Page 42 of From No to O

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But the longer Ethan kisses me, the harder my heart thumps in my chest, and when I weave my fingers through his hair, my nails lightly scratching the base of his scalp, a low rumble vibrates in his throat. He’s soft but greedy at the same time, and I am fucking loving it.

He stops for a breath, and I turn back to Jasper. This time, I remove his glasses, because the first time I kissed him the damn things fogged up. Now that I can see his eyes without obstruction, I’m struck by their piercing beauty. I put one hand behind his neck and another on his chest, and behind me Ethan not only continues gripping my hair, but also places his fingers gently but firmly around my throat, pushing me further into Jasper. Nudging my hair aside, he brushes his lips against the back of my neck.

Holy fucking shit.

The stubble on Jasper’s face scrapes my sensitive skin, but in a good way, waking up my too-long dead sensuality. The wetness between my legs is making its way to my PJ shorts, begging for some kind of relief.

The kind of relief I never get.

So while I am sandwiched between two of the most beautiful men I’ve ever known, sinking into the heady luxury of it, there is that nasty, nagging voice in the back of my head warning me… slow down, take it easy.

Are you a goddamn idiot?

And when someone’s—I’m not sure whose—fingers reach the inside of my upper thigh on the way to wetsville, that voice, the one I really wish would leave me the hell alone, screams from the top of its lungs into my sensitive ears,cut this shit out.

I abruptly stand, almost knocking Jasper off his chair, and gather my robe around me. I wipe their touch off me like they’d left invisible slime and step out of their reach.

“I… I need to get back. Um, bye…” I say, and speed walk to my room, looking over my shoulder to see them thrown off by my hasty exit.

I lean my back against my bedroom door after locking it like some sort of criminal is chasing me. The truth is, I can’t risk one of the guys trying to talk me out of my departure. I’m not sure I’ll be able to stick to my guns at cutting off our little play session. The locked door may make me think before I pull it open and welcome them to my bed.

But I don’t have to worry about that. No one comes to my door. In fact, I hear the TV shut off, muffled voices, and then the front door open and close. Standing behind my bedroom curtains, I watch the guys’ backs as they walk down the street, hands in pockets, like nothing ever happened.

It was probably nothing to them.

I need it to be nothing to me too. But I’m afraid it might not be.

* * *



“Ava, how are you?”Leo asks, joining me in the elevator.

“Oh hey, Leo.”

Shit. Did the guys tell him about me? About what we did?

If so, he isn’t letting on.

“You have a good day?” he asks, facing forward, watching the illuminated numbers above the doors go from twenty to nineteen to eighteen...

I face forward after a courteous glance in his direction.

Elevator rules, you know.

“Oh yeah. Great. And you?”

No one else is speaking. They’re just looking ahead, pretending not to hear us.

“Yeah. Real good. Just taking a little dinner break right now. I have to get back to work later, got a ton of stuff to do,” he says.

The elevator doors finally open and the humanity that had been bottled up inside the stifling little car explodes into the lobby of the building, scattering in every direction.

Leo and I move toward the building’s side exit, my usual door.

Is it his too? Or is he just politely walking me out?

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