Page 77 of On the Shore

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If there was a GOAT award for delivering the best orgasms, he would hold that title, as well.

I couldn’t believe that I was lying on the beach butt naked, or that I’d literally cried out his name like something you’d see in a porno movie. I’d never been so turned on in my life. I’d never allowed myself to be this vulnerable with a man. Losing control like this.

And I was here for it.

Control was overrated.

He pulled out of me and tugged off the condom, tying the end and setting it beside our clothing. I figured he’d grab his clothes, so I sat forward to reach for mine, but he stopped me.

He came to sit beside me, pulling me onto his lap. He reached for the corners of the blanket and wrapped it around us.

We sat there, looking out at the water.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

My gentle giant? He acted all tough on the outside, but he was a softy beneath.

“Of course not. If you didn’t notice, I wasn’t crying in pain. That was pure pleasure, Captain.”

He tightened his arms around me. “Yeah. I noticed. Just want to make sure you’re okay.”

I tipped my head back to look at him. “That was amazing.”

“Did you expect anything less?”

“Ah… there he is. My cocky football star.”

He kissed the tip of my nose and looked back out at the water.

“Your family is pretty amazing. Must have been fun growing up with all those kids in the house.”

“Yes. It was the best. But it was also chaotic and crazy. We love hard. We fight hard. But we always have one another’s backs, no matter what.”

“That’s cool. It’s like your own built-in football team.”

A loud laugh escaped. “Never thought of it like that, but yes, I’ve got my teammates for life, I guess.”

He was quiet for a minute, and there were so many things I wanted to ask him.

“You and your mama are really close, huh?”

“We are. She’s the best. She’s already looking at homes in New York now. The woman has supported me for my entire life.”

“She sounds incredible.”

“She is. You’re going to love her.”

My stomach flipped at the way he spoke about the future. Like it was a no-brainer that I’d meet his mother.

“I look forward to it.” I cleared my throat.

“Something you want to ask me, sweetheart?”

“Yeah. It’s not for the story; it’s just for me.”

“Then there is nothing off the table. Ask away.”

“Well, I know you don’t like to talk about your father. But I just wondered if you talk to him?”
