Page 55 of On the Shore

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I didn’t remember how many times I’d gotten sick. I only remembered the beautiful man who’d stayed in the bathroom with me until late into the night.

He’d ordered ginger ale up to the room and forced me to take a few sips.

I didn’t know when it had all stopped or how I’d gotten into this bed.

But when I opened my eyes, there was a tiny glimpse of sunlight coming through the crack of the blackout curtains.

I looked down to see I was wearing the hotel robe, with my bra and panties on underneath. My hair was pulled into some sort of messy bun on my head, and I didn’t remember doing that.

I sat forward and glanced around. My stomach felt so much better, and the nausea was gone. My stomach grumbled with hunger pains. My gaze caught on the large shape beside my bed, and I blinked a few times to make out what it was. Lincoln was lying on the floor with a pillow and a very small bath towel draped over his shoulders.

“Hey,” I whispered, and he jumped up as if a fire alarm had just gone off. He was on two feet and reaching for me.

“You okay? Are you sick again?” His voice was groggy, his blond hair going in every direction.

“No. No, I’m fine. I feel great, actually. You didn’t need to sleep in here.”

He sat down on the edge of the bed and ran a hand through his hair. “It’s fine. I slept great.”

I laughed. “You’re such a liar. You slept with a bath towel on the hard floor.”

“Hey, you threatened a cameraman for me yesterday. The least I could do is stay with you while the demons who invaded your body found their way out.”

I covered my face and chuckled some more. “You’re a good friend, Lincoln Hendrix.”

“Just to the ones who count.”

“Was that a compliment?” I teased, bumping my shoulder with his.

“If you tell anyone, I’ll deny it.” He turned to look at me, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “But yeah, it was meant as a compliment. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I am. I’m actually starving.” I pushed to my feet and walked to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth, as I realized my breath was probably horrific.

“Let’s get showered and go grab some food,” he said.

“Don’t we have to catch a plane soon?”

“I pushed it back a few hours. I wasn’t sure how you’d be feeling this morning.”

I was startled by his kindness at times.

“Can I order one of everything on the menu?” I wiped my face with a clean washcloth and turned to face him.

“That’s a sure way to get sick again. Let’s start with a normal breakfast and see if you can keep it down.”

I smiled and nodded in agreement. “Fine. Hey, how’d I get in this robe, Captain?”

His eyes widened as he scanned my body. “You were covered in vomit. You started tearing your clothes off in between heaves, so I grabbed the robe and wrapped it around you. I didn’t see anything that I haven’t seen when we were swimming. Scouts honor.”

“I wasn’t worried about that. I just hoped I didn’t embarrass myself any more than I already had by vomiting profusely in front of you.”

“Nope. I just didn’t know one tiny woman could have that much green slime in her body,” he said.

I chucked the washcloth at him and pointed at the door. “Go get cleaned up. I’m going to take a shower.”

He nodded and walked backward toward the door. “A shower sounds good.”

His heated gaze locked with mine, and my entire body tingled.
