Page 4 of On the Shore

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I spent the next hour scanning the internet for sports publications and went through a bunch of submission ideas before walking the few blocks to my parents’ house. The sun was just going down, and it was a perfect night for a walk. My phone buzzed, and I knew before I looked that it was the sibling group chat, which was always ongoing.


Hey, we just got home from work. I was swamped today. What’s everyone doing?


Just finished filming for the day. I think Jessica Carson is actually into me. She just asked me to come to her trailer and hang out. She kept grinding up against me long after they called the scene today.


Don’t shit where you eat, brother. It has disaster written all over it.


What if you live in a tiny house? Wouldn’t you have to shit where you eat?


Yeah, I’m guessing Finny boy wants to live in a tiny house and get busy with his costar.

Stay away from Hotty-McSnotty! I got very narcissistic vibes from her in the two interviews I watched with her.


I don’t think he’s thinking of a long future here, Brinks.

Take it from someone who has experienced job stress. Not worth it. Walk away.


She’s not my boss. We work together. Sure, she can be a bit much sometimes. She’s got some serious diva tendencies, but she’s hot.


You’re just bored because Reese has been gone for so long. You’re looking for a companion, not a hookup. Walk away.

Finn and Reese had been best friends for as long as I could remember. She’d gone through a bad breakup with her longtime boyfriend, who was now her ex-fiancé, and she’d been in Europe for the last several months, working for a design firm there. The two had always been inseparable, and we all noticed the difference in him since she’d been gone. He was a lot needier than he’d ever been, but I wouldn’t tell him that.


I love when you go deep, Old Wise One.


It’s OLE Wise One. Don’t call me old, you dick sausage.


Maybe Finn would bring out a softer side of Jessica. Love can do that to people. Look at Bossman.


