Page 14 of On the Shore

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I’d enjoyed my first few days here.

Life was slower.

I’d had time to think.

Drew and Deb’s house was right on the water, and it had its own dock with a boat and all sorts of water toys. I’d be training hard here in the off-season, and the fact that Drew had a state-of-the-art home gym made it very convenient. I’d been out for runs every morning, and I’d even gone for a swim this morning.

This was exactly what I needed to clear my head.

Figure out my shit.

I had a bunch of offers and needed to decide if I’d be moving and playing for a new team next year. My gut told me it was time to go, but I’d always been a loyal guy, and it was hard for me to walk away from my team, even if my coach was a complete asshole. Sure, he was kissing my ass now that we’d shocked the shit out of everyone and made it to the Super Bowl and then somehow pulled off a win. But he wasn’t a team player. He didn’t build that relationship with our guys. He’d cut too many of my brothers with no warning. He’d made comments to me that he’d cut a bunch of the new guys if they didn’t step up. They were young, and they needed time. We needed time as a team to rebuild and find our chemistry. But he was not willing to put in the time or the work for us to do that. I couldn’t keep starting over with new guys every time he went on a cutting spree.

And Coach Balboa was coaching out in New York now, and he wanted me to come out there and rebuild that team with him. I’d started my professional career with the man, and he was more like a father to me at this point. When he’d been let go from the team, I’d struggled to stay where I was, but he’d been the one to advise me to do so. He’d brought over two of my best friends, Brett Jacobs and Lenny Waters. Brett was one of the best receivers in the league, and Coach Anders had cut him because he’d had a tough season two years ago when we’d suddenly found ourselves playing for a new coach. But he’d been playing phenomenally this last season, and he was pushing for me to move out there and get our game going again. Lenny was a running back who’d sustained a tough Achilles injury and been cut from our team. Coach Balboa had brought him on, as well, and he was rehabbing that injury and would be playing this coming season for the New York Thunderbirds.

When I got home, I sat outside and looked at the ocean as the waves crashed against the dock.

It was quiet.


My phone buzzed with a text from Drew.


She turned down the job.

Yeah. I just ran into her when I was picking up food. She told me she wasn’t taking the job and to stay out of her business unless I wanted to let her interview me.


So, give her your story. You’re going to have to give it to someone. It’ll clear your conscience.

My conscience is fine. I got her the job back, didn’t I?


You did. Did she say why she wasn’t taking the job?

Who the fuck knows. Something about finding a story and landing herself a new job. At least, that’s what she said before having me escorted out of the restaurant by a teenager who was less than half my size.


Damn. I like this girl. She doesn’t take your shit.

Whatever. She’s being stubborn. If she wants the job, it’s hers to take. I’ve done my part. I need to focus on my training and my future. End of story.


Agreed. I’m just wondering… is she hot?



Brinkley Reynolds. Deb said she’s gorgeous. I’m wondering if she’s just being kind or if it’s true.

She’s hot. Not that I was looking.
