Page 61 of Under the Stars

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I laughed as I walked up the walkway and waved before pushing inside. When the door opened, I heard a loud crash, followed by muffled laughter, and turned to see Hugh, Lila, Brinkley, Finn, and Cage all running from the big window in the living room as the lamp on the side table lay on the floor with the shade half off of it.

“Seriously? You’re spying on me?” I threw my hands in the air.

“That was some kiss. Somebody call the fire department because this bitch is about to go up in flames.” Brinkley put an arm around my waist and bellowed out in laughter.

“I was trying to stop them and insist they give you some privacy, but then when he pulled you up, I couldn’t look away.” Lila was on my other side now, smiling at me.

“I feel like someone poured acid in my eyes. You can’t be making out in the driveway on Christmas Eve, Georgie,” Cage hissed. “It’s just… wrong.”

“Wrong? You spying on me is wrong, you big hypocrite.”

“If it’s any consolation… Finn, Cage, and I all covered our eyes when he kissed you. We don’t want to see that. We were just curious if there was more going on than you were saying because it sure seemed like there was,” Hugh said as he righted the lamp on the side table.

“And clearly, we were correct. And Cage is traumatized because he didn’t realize what was happening and covered his face a little too late.” Finn barked out a laugh.

“Serves you right. It’s none of your business.” I tugged off my coat and hung it on the coat rack before walking into the dining room with everyone following, just as my mother and father started putting platters down on the table.

There were white and gold plates, and white flowers ran down the length of the large table with green branches in between. My mother loved a theme, and she enjoyed decorating. She was a therapist by day, but she could give Martha Stewart a run for her money when it came to entertaining.

“I agree with Georgie,” my mother said, looking up and smiling at me. “I told you to leave her alone. She’s a grown woman who can handle herself just fine.” My chest squeezed. There were times that being the youngest of five siblings was exhausting because everyone treated me like a baby. And my parents were guilty of it more than anyone. But hearing my mom support me meant the world to me. I was working hard to find my way as I had landed my first real job, and I was looking for my own place to live now that I had income coming in.

“Auntie Georgie is a big girl,” Gracie said as she sat at the table watching my parents set the food down. She had a little piece of paper and some crayons, and she was drawing something colorful.

“It doesn’t matter how old she is. We just wanted to make sure she was okay,” Cage said, leaning down and kissing me on the cheek.

“Well, I like him. Show us what he gave you, seeing as he didn’t gift you in front of us, even though we all got to see that kiss, which was smoking hot.” Brinkley smirked.

My brothers laughed, my father scowled, and my mother rolled her eyes. Lila tried to hide her smile, and Gracie looked at everyone with confusion.

“He gave me this beautiful necklace,” I said, twirling the star between my fingers.

Mom walked over with her mouth hanging open as she looked at it. “Wow. That’s stunning. It seems like you two have a very special… friendship.”

“Uh, I don’t kiss my friends or give them diamond necklaces for Christmas,” Cage said.

“You don’t have any female friends.” Finn raised a brow, and everyone laughed.

“Is Bossman your boyfriend, Auntie Georgie?” Gracie asked.

“No. He doesn’t really date, so that’s not going to happen. But he’s a good friend.”

Who I’d like to have endless sex with.

“Sure, he is.” Brinkley laughed as she took her seat.

Everyone moved around the table, and the conversation and laughter flowed. But my hand kept moving to my neck, and I couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss.

About him.



I arrived justin time for dinner and jogged up the walkway with bags in my hands. I didn’t even know what Georgia had ended up getting everyone. I’d given her ideas for my family members and told her my father might be bringing a random woman with him, although I hadn’t known at the time that it was going to be his new wife, who I’d yet to meet. But I couldn’t really be expected to bring a gift for a woman I’d found out about yesterday.

Bentley opened the door and greeted me, as he’d been working for my grandparents since I was born. Their home was massive, with a large crystal chandelier hanging over the grand foyer. White and black marble covered the floors throughout the space.

“Maddox, it’s so nice to see you,” the older man said as he reached for my bags.
