Page 40 of Under the Stars

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Is that an apology?

Definitely not.

But kind of, yes. I didn’t apologize often, but I knew I was in the wrong.


Why don’t I go pick up the pasta and bring it to your house myself so I can make sure that it’s the right one. Would that be better?

Now she had my attention.

Not having fun on your date?

I stared at my phone like a fucking teenager waiting to watch a porno.


No. My arrogant, ridiculous, grumpy, hot-headed boss put me in a bad mood. And my date has been talking about his ex-girlfriend for the last forty minutes, and he just finished crying about their breakup. A work emergency would come in handy right about now.

I smiled because I couldn’t help myself.

I’m not ridiculous.


That’s the only thing that offended you from that comment?

What can I say? You know me well. I’ll order dinner for both of us from Reynolds’. Meet me at my house in twenty minutes. I’ve got some contracts to go over with you anyway.

I didn’t. But I wanted her to come over.

Wanted it so bad I could barely see straight.


Good. I haven’t eaten because I was too pissed off to eat.

Well, allow me to turn your mood around.


There’s a first for everything.

Such a smart-ass.

I quickly called in dinner from Reynolds’ because I knew she loved the food at her brother’s restaurant. I ordered us both the ribs as I’d noticed her eating them the night I’d been there with Heather. I’d been fantasizing about the way Georgia had licked the sauce from her fingers ever since. I also ordered one of every single dessert on the menu as my way of apologizing.

And the fact that I was actually buzzing about grabbing dinner and meeting her at my house had me slightly freaked out.

But I didn’t care.

That was how far gone I was for this girl.

I’d been pissed off since she’d left, and it was all because she’d told me that she was going on a date.

What kind of sick bastard has a hissy fit over a woman that he hasn’t even admitted he had feelings for going out with someone else?

In my defense, I didn’t even know I was capable of having feelings for someone else until this woman fluttered her way into my life.
