Page 21 of Under the Stars

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This is why you shouldn’t get a dog. You can’t just leave any time you want when you have a dog. #teachablemoment


Stop being a #buzzkill, brother. Have fun in the city.


Where are you staying? I bet it’s somewhere swanky!

“We’re staying at the Four Seasons,” Maddox’s deep voice said as he leaned over my shoulder and read my texts.

I quickly put my phone down in my lap and shot him a look.

“It’s not in good taste to read someone’s texts over their shoulder.”

“Says the woman who just danced around my closet. For all I know, you were sniffing my boxers,” he said, his hand brushing against mine, and I didn’t pull away. We were sitting awfully close in the back of the helicopter, and there was a sudden dip, which made me jump and squeal at the same time.

Benjamin glanced over his shoulder and apologized, and Maddox chuckled before his pointer finger stroked the back of my hand. “You’re all right.”

There were a few more dips, and I gasped a couple more times before I turned and buried my face in his chest until we were on the ground.

Let me tell you, sage and sandalwood had a way of soothing the nerves. The man smelled like strength and confidence and sexy man. And I was here for it.

Once we were on the ground, he tipped me back and cleared his throat, and I straightened.

“Sorry about that. I’m not used to this form of transportation.” I reached for my purse and unbuckled myself.

“Says the woman who drives an unsafe, shitty piece of metal around town.”

I rolled my eyes and stepped off when Benjamin opened the door. “Thanks for the ride, Benjamin. Those little squeaks had nothing to do with you; they were all about me.”

He chuckled. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Have fun tonight.”

There was a car waiting for us just a few feet away. “Wow. You’ve got all sorts of people waiting on you here, huh?”

“That’s the one benefit to the move out of town. I can drive my own car. Have some privacy. No press in my business.”

“Ahhh… the life of a wealthy socialite,” I teased as we both slipped into the back of the car. Maddox introduced me to Jayden the driver, and we said a quick hello. “What’s the downside to Cottonwood Cove? Not enough hot women?”

He glanced over at me and looked like he was going to say something, but he stopped himself. “I miss the food in the city. Meeting women has never been a problem for me.”

I wanted to call him out for being cocky, but I knew it was the truth. The man smelled like sex on a stick, he was a good foot taller than me with broad shoulders and a hard body, a face that should be splayed across a men’s fashion magazine, and he had a closet that most women would give a kidney for.

He was the whole damn package.

And he was clearly brilliant, because he’d listened to me about Mara Skye over his glass-half-empty editor who, was supposed to be a professional.

“How about I treat you to Reynolds’ when we get home?” I said. He raised a brow, and I quickly explained that I wasn’t meaning it as a date. “I mean, as a professional courtesy. You took my advice about the book, and I’m grateful. And a good slab of ribs will have you singing the praises of the food in Cottonwood Cove.”

“First of all, you aren’t treating. I’m your boss.”

“Easy there, alpha dog. My brother owns the place. I was just being a show-off. I wouldn’t actually be paying.” I chuckled, and Jayden barked out a laugh from the front seat, earning him a warning look from Maddox.

“Glad we cleared that up. Secondly, I read the first three chapters, and I agreed with you. That’s the reason we’re going to this meeting. And lastly, I’m a bit of a food snob, so it’ll be hard to sway me.” He paused when the car pulled in front of the swanky hotel. “Okay, here’s the plan. You have your own room, as do I. We’ll go change clothes and then meet downstairs in an hour.”

“You’re staying here, too?”

“Would you prefer I didn’t?” He rolled his eyes.
