Page 18 of Under the Stars

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My chest pressed against hers, and I tipped the hat back so I could see her eyes. “This looks good on you.”

“I bet it would look much better on you,” she whispered. The scent of orange blossom and cinnamon flooded my system. “I was just grabbing your coat, and I got a little distracted.”

“I can see that.”

“Are you mad?” Her tongue swiped out and ran along her plump bottom lip, and my dick doubled in size as he raged against my zipper.

Back the fuck off, man.

She works for you.

She’s too sweet. Too good. Too tempting.

Completely off-limits.

I backed away, reached for the hat on her head, and set it on the shelf where it belonged.

“Not exactly what I told you to do. But we don’t have time to argue about it.” I slipped my hand beneath the black velvet jacket to help her out of it, and my fingertips grazed the soft skin of her neck, and I abruptly tugged the coat off her. I moved across the closet and grabbed my overnight bag and tossed in a few items of clothing before grabbing a fresh suit that I’d wear tonight. I had a toiletry bag ready to go, as I traveled often, and my assistant stood there quietly for the first time since I’d met her.

“Let’s go to your house. You need to pack a bag.”

“I need to pack a bag?” She jogged to keep up with me as we made our way through the house. “You’re forcing me out of Cottonwood Cove?”

I was glad I had my back to her because I could feel the smile spread across my face. She was cute as hell, and I enjoyed messing with her.

I pulled the front door open as she slipped into her coat and found her gloves and hat on my entry table. I motioned for her to step outside and walked toward my car before pulling the passenger door open.

“I have my own car here,” she said, looking at me like I had three heads.

“You don’t have a car.”

“My actual car is in the shop, and this is my—” I cut her off before she could finish. I held my hands up to stop her.

“In the car. Now,” I growled.

She didn’t even have a smart-ass comeback. She just climbed inside, and I raised a brow, waiting for her to buckle herself in.

“What are you? My father?”

“I’m your fucking boss. Buckle up. Now.”

She glared at me and reached for her belt, and I slammed the door. She was the most infuriating woman I’d ever met. Arguing about driving a fucking motorized bicycle in the middle of winter. I knew her brother owned Reynolds’, the most popular restaurant and bar in Cottonwood Cove because it was all anyone in this godforsaken town talked about. I’d be making a visit there this week and asking him how he was okay with his sister’s current transportation situation.

Because I hardly knew her, and I wasn’t okay with it.

I opened my trunk and walked over to her motorized piece of shit and removed the helmet from the handlebars before picking the whole thing up and maneuvering it into my trunk. It was definitely heavier than a bicycle, but still, it offered her no protection.

I closed the trunk and climbed into the driver’s seat, starting the car up and pulling out of the driveway.

“Where do you live?”

“Why?” she asked, turning to face me. “It was just a freaking song. You’re overreacting. Have you never performed in the closet or the shower or the privacy of your own home?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” I hissed. “Do you ever just answer a simple question without asking one in return?”

“Are you really firing me because I danced in your over-the-top, fancy, pretentious closet? Newsflash, Genius: Not everyone has a closet like that. So, I had a little fun. Sue me. No, why don’t you just fire me? I’ve done everything you’ve asked of me for the last two weeks. I’ve come early every single day. I’ve brought donuts and cookies, and I’m the most dominant ping-pong player in that goddamn office. I’ve been friendly with everyone who works there, and I’ve managed to ignoreNadia Wrong’scondescending comments. I’ve made sure your coffee is fresh every two and a half hours because my sister Brinkley said that’s the cutoff for stale coffee. I rushed out, in the cold, mind you, to get your stupid blazer, even though you bash my form of transportation constantly…” She was shouting, and then her words broke on a sob, and I swerved to the side of the road and put the car in park.

“Nadia Wrong, huh?” I said, trying to make light of it even though my goddamn chest squeezed at the sight of her with tears streaming down her face and her bottom lip trembling.
