Page 126 of Under the Stars

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But she was right. It didn’t matter if we were alone or in a room full of people.

She was the only one I saw.

The only one I needed.

“Such a smart-ass,” she said, rubbing her nose against mine.

“You know how we sit under the stars every night because it’s our favorite thing to do?”

“Yeah?” She pulled back to look at me.

“Well, when you’re looking up at the stars and talking about all the things that you see, and I tease you because I can’t see any of it?” I paused, and my gaze locked with hers.

“Yes. Which is why I want you to go get your eyes checked.”

“I don’t need my eyes checked, baby. The reason I don’t see what you see when you look up at the sky is because I’m always looking at you. Even with all the stars out at night, I don’t want to look anywhere else. Because I have everything I need. Everything I want. It’s right in front of me.”

“You just beat out every book boyfriend I’ve ever put on a pedestal with that confession,” she whispered. “You’re the perfect leading man.”

“Oh, yeah?” My fingers tangled in her hair as I pulled her closer, her lips just a breath away.

“Yeah.” The word came out all breathy. “You’re ridiculously handsome and protective and broody. Bossy as hell. But you’re sweet and romantic when we’re alone. And don’t even get me started on your filthy mouth when it comes to sex. You’re the whole package, Bossman. I’m the luckiest girl on the planet.”

“We both are. I love you, Tink.”

“I love you. And we get to write our own happily ever after, don’t we?”

“Damn straight. We’ve been writing it since the day you strode into my office.”

And that was the truth.

I didn’t even believe in that happily ever after bullshit before I met Georgia Reynolds.

But now I was a sappy bastard who wanted it all.

And now that I’d found her, I was never letting go.



We’d just cleanedup after having everyone over for dinner and a heated game of pickleball, where Finn gave me a real run for my money. The bastard had never even played, but he’d clearly gotten the same pickleball gene as me.

My parents had come by to watch, and my dad barbecued so Maddox could ref the games. Everyone but Brinkley had been here, as she’d had a big press conference to attend for some famous football quarterback that she couldn’t stand. But my sister never let anything or anyone keep her from getting her story.

Cage had tried to teach Gracie how to play, but teaching wasn’t his thing, as he had the patience of a Labrador puppy. So, she and I had had a lot of fun just tossing the ball back and forth to one another, trying to get it over the net.

Baby steps.

Wyle had stopped by, and everyone in my family loved him. He was working with Brax to find a home. Brax owned the real estate company in town, and he’d taken him out to see a spec home that Travis and his company had built a few months back. He showed us photos, and we all loved the property, which was walking distance from our house.

He and Hugh both challenged me to another round of pickleball, and I loved every moment of it. Having everyone here. The sun was shining, and it was a perfect day for a barbecue.

But then, Cupid shot an arrow straight into my heart when I glanced over to see Maddox bent down, Gracie’s back to his chest, with his hands covering hers as she held the racquet, and he gently swung her arms back and forth, letting her feel the motion.

That was when Hugh had scored a point against me. Which was a small miracle in itself because he and Lila weren’t remotely focused on the game as they had agreed to have an outdoor wedding at our house this summer, seeing as we had the big yard with views of the ocean, and they could look right down at the cove, which was their favorite spot in the world.

It was Maddox’s idea. They’d been tossing out venues they were considering, and none had felt quite right for them. He suggested they do a tented area out in the backyard, and I’d gasped when he also suggested the pickleball court would make a perfect dance floor.
