Page 103 of Under the Stars

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I agree with Cage on this one. I’m going to ignore that part of the message, Brinks. Maybe you two can share that kind of shit on a separate thread. Happy Birthday, Georgie.


Do whatever makes you happy today, Georgie girl. I love you, and I’m wishing you a kickass year. You deserve all the good in life.


Wow. That was deep.


Can we please talk about how sappy Hugh is now that he’s in love? Cage, you’re an endless grump. Finn, stop being Cage’s bitch.

Hey, guys! Thank you for the birthday wishes. I can’t believe I’m another year older. I’ll be thirty before I know it.


You’re twenty-three…

But someday, right? LOL. I’m having a great day so far, but I won’t even tell you all the naughty things I’ve done already.


Please don’t.


Some things are better left unsaid.


You do you, Georgie girl.


Go girl, go.

Happy Valentine’s Day. I love you.

I tucked my phone into my back pocket and hurried out of the bathroom.

When I padded down the long hallway and out to the great room, I found Maddox in the kitchen with Sal Roberts, a friend of my father’s.

“Hi, Sal,” I said, and it came out as more of a question.

He laughed. “Hey, Georgia. Happy Birthday.”

I moved next to Maddox, who was standing on one side of the kitchen island, while the older man stood on the other side. Sal had a large white roll of paper that he’d just pulled from the kitchen counter.

“Thank you. What’s going on here?”

“I’ll be out back taking some measurements. I’ll let Maddox fill you in.” He smirked and made his way out the door.

A large black box sat on the island with a white bow on it. I reached for my collarbone and rubbed my fingers over my star necklace. This gift would be really hard to top.

“Happy Birthday, baby,” he said, pushing the box toward me.

I untied the ribbon and pulled off the lid, and found four pickleball racquets and several sets of balls inside. My head tipped back as laughter escaped. Damn. He really did pay attention.
