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“Are you insane?!” I shouted from the front passenger seat, making her jump from beside Drake in the back. Knox snickered at me and he was lucky I didn’t punch him for it. He knew how dangerous that situation had been. “Do you understand you should be dead right now?!”

Her eyes flickered with uncertainty, and she pulled away from Drake as he tried to drop an arm around her shoulders.

“I’m sorry. I—”

“Who put you up to it? Was it Knox?”

“Stone said Knox was busy and wouldn’t be back until—”

“Tell me, Penelope! Whoever did, knew you’d be caught and most likely killed.” I fumed as I glanced at Knox who shrugged.

“Wasn’t me. Why would I risk them kicking our door down over it?” He frowned, lifting his gaze to the rearview as he started the engine. “Stone told you I was gone? I’ve been in the gun range all morning.”

She shrugged but her eyes darted away from him, confusion swirling inside me.

Why was Stone lying to her?

“Did Stone tell you to rob the house?” I didn’t like accusing him of anything, he was my best friend and my boss, but he’d wanted her gone since we’d brought her home.

Breaking into the Donovan’s mansion was a fast way to get rid of a person.

“Why would he do that?” Penn scoffed, sliding her pretty eyes to mine. “He doesn’t want beef with the Psychos. I was honestly just trying to impress him so he’d stop treating me like a princess.”

“Babe, we have a lot of rules for a reason. All houses need to be monitored for weeks prior to the break-in, we have to hack into cameras and security triggers, and we always go with back-up. Stone might be a hard-ass but it’s because he’s trying to keep everyone safe. There’s a lot of houses we avoid out of respect for our business connections, and you just hit the biggest one. We don’t like doing anything in Ashburn Valley without running it by the Psychos and Devils first, okay?”

“I said I was sorry,” she mumbled before turning her attention back out the window, the rest of the drive home being silent.

I was surprised when we arrived and Knox climbed out of the car, grabbing the back of her neck in a firm grip and steering her into the compound. We had no idea what his intentions with her were, but I didn’t think for a second that he was going to hurt her.

Even if it was just her pussy he liked.

“Does he have to manhandle her so much?” Drake grunted as we followed at a slower pace, crossing his arms. “And why the fuck would she try to break into a house that big by herself?”

“I don’t know but this is only going to make Stone dig his heels in harder. He won’t want her going on jobs with us if she can’t follow the rules,” I replied as we walked inside, finding Knox and Penn gone. Her voice carried up the hallway and led us to the office, Knox waving a hand in her direction as he filled Stone in on what had happened.

Stone’s face was an emotionless mask, his eyes on Penn as he silently listened. She stared him down but didn’t interrupt Knox, waiting for him to finish before she spoke.

“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

“Make sure it doesn’t,” Stone said flatly, looking in our direction. “Keep her on a leash.”

We’d expected him to blow up about it, but he simply waved her off and returned to whatever he was doing on the computer, speaking over his shoulder. “All of you stay home for the rest of the day. There’s been attempted security breaches and we don’t need the heat. I assume it’s Penn’s father since he’s put out a report for her to return home, but it could be anyone, so stay vigilant. No one goes out alone.”

“Movie day? Sweet!” Drake grinned, completely oblivious to the fact we were possibly in danger. “C’mon, Penn! Come snuggle on the couch with me.”

The hesitation on her face made me frown, and even Knox looked surprised when she shook her head.

“Not right now. I’m getting a headache and want a nap.”

“Oh, I’ll come—”


Drake’s shoulders deflated as she left the room without another word, and Knox snorted.

“The fuck is up with her?”

“She’s just being a princess about being caught. Leave her,” Stone said firmly but his fingers kept tapping away on the keyboard. “If you’re not busy, all of you should be going through footage of our next targets. This isn’t a fucking holiday camp and we’ve already got one princess, we don’t need more. Work or get the fuck out of my compound.”

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