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“I’ve called your guys to come and get you.” Looking at Skeeter, he spoke more firmly. “Don‘t fucking shoot anyone.”

“You’re really going to just let her walk out of here? She broke into our fucking house, Rivera. She—”

“She didn’t fucking know,” Hunter bit out, stepping forward to grab my shoulder tightly, making me wince as he hauled me out of the room and towards the kitchen. “You’d better not be lying or I’ll let him have you,” he warned under his breath, and I nodded quickly.

“Honest, I didn’t know. I never would’ve come here if I’d have known, no matter the situation. I don’t want to end up on your bad side or disrespect you.”

He pushed me down into a chair at the kitchen table, squatting in front of me.

“No one sent you here as initiation or anything?”

“No.” I swore he could see the lie in my eye but he finally sighed.

“Good. I don’t know if you’ve heard but your father’s made a public announcement to find you. Keep your head down.” Panic clawed at my chest and his expression softened. “Stick by Cruz and Drake. It seems they’ll do anything to keep you safe and they won’t let your father take you. You’re an adult, no one can force you to go home.”

I had a feeling my father would find a way to put me back inside that lonely house of his.

Waiting for the guys was awful. Skeeter and Caden wandered in and out of the room glaring daggers at me, Jensen made small talk over coffee, and Hunter lingered to make sure Skeeter didn’t murder me.

Tires finally screeched outside and Jensen chuckled.

“You’ve got those boys wrapped around your finger, don’t you?”

I didn’t have time to answer before Hunter let them in and Cruz literally ran into the room, relief in his eyes when he saw me in one piece.

“Oh, thank fuck. You’re okay?” He moved towards me and I was surprised when Drake and Knox walked in behind him, but I didn’t show it as Cruz pulled me to my feet and crushed me to his chest. “What the fuck were you thinking?”

“I was thinking I was a better thief than this,” I joked lightly. “I think I need more training.”

“If you think you’re going on jobs after this stunt, you have another thing coming,” Knox bit out, turning his attention to Hunter. “This cunt will be the death of us. We owe you. Again.”

Hunter was quiet for a moment before sliding his eyes to mine.

“You’re bored?”

“I just wanted to prove that I could be like the others,” I whispered, shame burning inside of me. Why had I trusted Stone? I should’ve just blurted it out and let the Psychos deal with him, but then what?

What if the other thieves got gunned down too? They’d defend Stone and get hurt.

I had to keep it a secret.

“Your guys need to find something to occupy you then, or train you harder.”

“It’s hard when she’s not supposed to leave the compound,” Drake stated with a grumble.

“You need to give her something to do before she gets herself killed,” Hunter answered, finally turning his attention to Cruz. “Or convince her to go home where she’s safe.”

I’d rather die.


Penn wasn’t a stupid girl, but robbing a house on her own had to have been the dumbest idea on the planet. I knew she wanted to fit in, but that wasn’t the way to go about it.

If someone put her up to it, I’d kill them.

I thanked Hunter a million times for calling us and letting her leave without punishment, keeping my temper in check until we were in the car.

Then I lost my fucking mind.

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