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“You really need to get laid,” I huffed, resting my elbows on the table and placing my hands under my chin. “I’ll do you a deal. Give me a smile and I’ll give you a hand job.”

He was so easy to wind up.

“I’m going out,” he announced as he got to his feet, his angry eyes on mine as I stood to follow. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Coming with you.”

“Like fuck.”

“Stone, please,” I whined, clasping my hands together for effect. “I’m bored to death.”

“Then hurry up and die,” he muttered, looking at me like I was placed on the earth for the sole purpose of pissing him off. “What the hell do you want me to do with you? I have a job and you’re only going to get in the way.”

“I’ll be good!”

“Good girls would stay home like they were asked. If I take you out of this building, you’ll end up followed again, and I can’t have meetings with clients or steal shit with eyes on us. You feel me? Believe it or not but I’m not just doing this to be an asshole, it’s not safe for any of us to have you wandering around.”


“Jesus fucking Christ, get in the car then! Anything to make you shut up!” he snarled, and I quickly made my way through the building and into the garage before he could change his mind.

He stormed in five minutes later with a bag in his hand, shoving it in the trunk before climbing behind the wheel. I scrambled into the passenger seat, strapping myself in as he tore out of the garage, and I tried hard to keep my mouth shut but curiosity got the better of me.

“Where are we going?”

“I have a house I want you to break into in Ashburn Valley,” he said tightly, tossing a piece of paper on my lap. “You seem to know value, so find the item and get your ass back to the car without getting caught.”

“Wait, I’m going in alone? It’s the middle of the day!” Panic raced through me but Stone didn’t seem fazed.

“The place is empty right now. Besides, you robbed that house in Crestford in broad daylight so what’s the big deal? You want to be a Night Thief? Fucking show me how bad you want it.”

“Keyword. Night Thief,” I huffed, running my eyes over the piece of paper. “You want me to take a painting?”

“Yep. You seem to know your shit so I want to see it. In and out in ten minutes or I drive off and make you walk back like I would with the others. This is what training with me looks like, so you’re either in or you’re out.” He glanced at me in challenge, and I steeled my spine and nodded.

“I can do that. What made you change your mind?” Maybe my report had impressed him enough for him to realize I had potential. Hope filled me at the thought, and I wanted to please him so he’d accept me.

He smiled, my stomach twisting with nerves.

“I’m bored to death, that’s all.”

We parked around the road from the targeted house, and he shut off the engine to turn to me.

“You know the drill. Eyes open, stay quiet, and be fast.”

“Do I get a tablet or something to keep an eye on security?” I asked as I reached for the door. “How do I keep a look-out?”

“Cameras are off and no one’s home. You’ll be fine,” he said with a shrug, shooing me from the car. I looked back at him before making my way around the corner, glancing down at the address on the paper.

The house was massive, but a lot of the houses in Ashburn Valley were.

I couldn’t see Stone anymore and I shook off the paranoia as I snuck through the gate, taking the long way to the house via the garden.

One of the windows out the back popped open and I scrambled inside, glancing at the time on my phone. I’d already taken five fucking minutes, so I made my way across the house quickly, testing locked doors as I went.

“Bingo,” I smiled as I found a door that opened, the click of a gun sounding just before I felt the barrel press against the back of my head.

“You chose the wrong house, you little cunt.” So much for no one being home. “Turn around.” I slowly turned, my stomach dropping at the sight of the man in front of me. Tattoos covered his arms, his leather jacket drawing my attention. The Bloody Psychos logo stared back at me, and I lifted my eyes to his with a nervous swallow. “Who the fuck are you and why are you in my house?”

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