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“Open your legs for me,” she murmured, and I tried to snatch the cloth with a growl.

“You’re not cleaning his cum from my ass. I draw the fucking line at that.”

Frustration burned through me as she kept the cloth away from me, shuffling down the bed.

“You and Cruz take turns caring for me so let me do this for you. Besides, I like being able to look after my boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend?” My heart thumped in my chest as she smiled at me. I knew we were seeing each other but hearing her so easily calling me her boyfriend gave me butterflies.

“Yeah, boyfriend.” She swatted at my legs until I parted them, her soft touch soothing me as she kissed my raised knee and moved the cloth between my legs, gently cleaning the cum from my ass. “Did he scare you?”

“Knox? Fuck no. I’m just pissed at myself for letting him weaken me like that. It’s hard to let him go,” I answered, waiting for her to be finished before I sat up. “We’ve been best friends for a long time now, and our relationship was wild from the start. We might not have been romantic in a sense, but it’s hard to move on from the passion, you know?”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, baby,” she whispered, sitting in front of me and cupping my cheek. “If you want him—”

“I want more than what he’s willing to give me. Besides, I have you,” I chuckled, soaking in her comfort. She sighed, giving me a knowing look.

“You can have him too. I’ll be the romance and he can be the good dick.”

“So out of Cruz and I, who gives you the good dick?” I joked, earning a swat to the arm. “I’m only playing!”

“You both give me romance and good dick,” she huffed, leaning forward to kiss me quickly.

I hooked an arm around her neck to keep her close, grinning as she ended up straddling me. Her panties were soaked and I clicked my tongue at her.

“How long were you listening to us fuck?”

“For most of it I think. I considered joining in but figured Knox would just yell at me and get embarrassed for being caught doing gay stuff.” There was a sad tone in her voice, one that I understood. “Why’s he so embarrassed about it? If he loves you, that’s all that matters.”

I pulled her down beside me to snuggle, burying my face in her neck.

“I know, but it’s not enough. Go back to sleep, I’m sorry we woke you.”

“Next time wake me earlier,” she giggled, both of us falling asleep wrapped around each other.

Knox never returned to the room and as much as I was glad, I also wondered where he’d gone.

Chapter Seventeen


“Where’s Knox?” I asked Stone the following morning, the grumpy asshole not even glancing up at me from the tablet he was using as he sipped his morning coffee.

“Why do you care?”

“Because I do. Where is he?” I asked firmly, his eyes finally lifting to mine. We were the only two people in the kitchen, it was too late for breakfast and most of the others were out doing stuff. Drake and Cruz were in Ashburn Valley and since I was being followed, I wasn’t allowed to go with them, leaving me to deal with Stone alone. “Him and Drake had a fight last night and Knox left.”

“Not that it’s your business, but Knox has gone on a job with some of the others. They’ll be back later.”

“Did he seem okay to you? He—”

“He was his typical asshole self. This isn’t a mental health clinic, so stop asking me annoying questions,” he snapped, putting his coffee down as if to stop himself from throwing it at me. “Find something else to do.”

“Like what? You banned me from literally everything,” I deadpanned, dropping down into the seat opposite him. “Can you—”

His hands slammed down on the table, making me jump.

“Do you ever stop talking?! All I’ve heard since you got here is your goddamn voice!”

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