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“Can you all do that so easily?” I asked instead of answering his question, my fingers digging into the material of his shirt. “Kill someone?”

“I’m not a huge fan of it but Knox and Stone don’t even bat an eye at it anymore. It’s why they usually go on protection details, while Cruz and I stay at home with the computers. We like to hack networks, not bodies,” he said with a grimace, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. “Let’s get you home.”

“Can we stay here while the others clean up? I want to learn.”

“You want to learn what?”

“Cleaning up messes. This is because of me, right? I should help,” I answered firmly.

Knox overheard us and whistled to draw my attention, pointing at the body.

“You want to learn? Get comfortable with that. You can’t even fucking look at it, so how are you supposed to clean it up?”

“Can’t you just explain it to me?” I slid my eyes back to the body and scrunched my nose. Blood and violence wasn’t something that bothered me thanks to me sneaking out to learn how to throw a punch, but cold-blooded murder was another story.

“Get the tarp out of my trunk,” Knox ordered, his dark eyes following me as I hesitated before pulling away from Drake to walk out the back, grabbing the tarp and walking back inside.

Knox snatched it from me, laying it on the ground and pointing to the man’s feet.

“Now grab his ankles and help me lift him onto it.” My stomach twisted at the thought of touching the body but I refused to admit it. Impressing Knox would mean impressing Stone, and that would make my life a whole lot easier. “Hurry up or fuck off, Whitlock.”

Drake didn’t try to talk me out of it so I grabbed the man’s ankles and fought the gag that rose in my throat, straining to lift the deadweight. Knox didn’t offer me any comforting words as we placed the guy on the tarp, and I cringed at how rough he was being as he let him go to hit the ground.

My hands shook slightly as I helped Knox roll him in the tarp, and I managed to keep my shit together until we’d gotten the body in the trunk.

Then I threw up on the grass loudly.

Drake was there instantly, keeping my hair out of my face.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded which resulted in me throwing up again.

The thieves all stayed away from me as they started cleaning the scene, but Knox joined us, his voice flat.

“You two fuck off home. Stone’s waiting for you.” I expected him to storm off straight away but he lingered, my eyes meeting his. “Most people throw up the moment the bullet lodges into the body.”

It was a weird way to end a conversation and I frowned as he walked back into the building, making Drake chuckle slightly.

“Trust me, that’s his way of saying you impressed him. Let’s get going, we’ll go over everything to make sure Stone gets his report, and then we can hopefully spend the evening at the beach to relax. Sound good?”

“Are all your dates this chaotic?” I joked, his eyes flashing with amusement.

“Only the ones worthwhile.”


I was pretty sure Penelope was in shock. I’d been yelling at her and Drake for nearly half an hour and she didn’t sass me once. Her hands shook slightly and her face was pale, and I didn’t mean to sound like a dick but I wasn’t the best at expressing my concern, so when I noticed her sway on her feet a little, I snapped.

“Every time you leave this fucking compound, you bring a mess back to my doorstep! Sit down before you fall down, for fuck’s sake!” I’d kicked Cruz out of the office when they arrived, not needing his input. Drake seemed to understand how pissed I was because he didn’t give me any attitude either. “Now, Penelope.”

She didn’t move so I grabbed her bicep and dragged her towards the old couch in the corner, forcing her to sit.

I pushed her back firmly so that she was laying down, glaring at her.

“Lie down, relax, and focus on your breathing. You’re in a small state of shock and unless you want to be dragged to the hospital where your father would be notified, I’d get control over your emotions if I were you.”

“I’m fine.”

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