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“Hey, you did good.” He started reversing out of the parking space, cursing as something hit the car. “We’ve got trouble, bro.”

“What is it?” I asked as I looked around, screaming as the back window shattered. Drake slammed the car into drive and floored it, driving towards Hawthorne Heights. “Why are they shooting at us?!”

“Because they don’t know who they’re messing with,” Drake answered. “Cruz, where am I going?” I forgot about Cruz. He was still typing away at his computer, and I imagined him scrolling through multiple windows of surveillance and decoding shit to keep eyes on us.

“Abandoned warehouse. Knox and some of the guys are waiting for you.”

“You sent Knox?” Drake groaned, my hands flying to the oh-shit handle as he skidded around a corner.

“He was already in the area and you can’t afford to be picky, man. Penn? Where are you right now?”

“The Heights.”

“I want an exact location. Street name, landmarks, anything that would help me find you if I didn’t already have you on my screen,” he barked, my eyes scanning our surroundings as more bullets fired at us. “Focus, Penn!”

I wanted to throw up. Stealing shit was definitely a better rush than being chased.

“I see old houses, an empty parking lot—”

“Good, think harder. What do you see?”

“I see a sign! Loop Road!”

“Good job, baby. Remember everything you’ve told me. Everything. Stone will grill you for sure. There’s ten of our guys in the warehouse waiting for you to arrive so you’ll be fine. You’re only just around the corner from it, promise.”

Knowing we were so close made me relax despite the fact Cruz told us to be careful before hanging up.

Drake managed to keep the car on the road the whole way, and once we were out the back of the abandoned warehouse, he bailed out of the car, grabbing me and dragging me inside to where the others were.

Knox’s eyes ran over Drake for a moment before doing the same for me, my eyes widening as the guy’s car sounded outside.

“He can’t have you, you’re mine and I won’t let anyone hurt you,” Drake murmured, pushing me behind him to keep me safe. My fingers curled in his shirt and I jumped as the door slammed open and the man walked in, halting when he realized how outnumbered he was.

“Look, guys—” He didn’t even get to finish his sentence before Knox was beside him, the barrel of his gun against the man’s temple.

“Is she worth your fucking life?” Knox looked completely calm but his voice held violence.

“Do you know who you’re dealing with?” the guy asked almost cockily, and Knox growled.

“Do you know who you’re dealing with? You could kill us, but there's a hundred more where we came from. You’d spend the rest of your life being hunted, tortured. Are you willing to live like that just for one fucking woman?”

The man swallowed, his eyes on me.

“I’m trying to keep her safe, she—” Knox didn’t hesitate to pull the trigger, a scream leaving me as I watched the guy fall to the ground, and Drake turned to pull my head against his chest to block the view.

“Was that necessary?” he demanded over his shoulder, and Knox stalked towards us with fury written all over his face, looking even more scary than normal thanks to the spattered blood.

“Yes, it fucking was. Did you get hit on the drive over?” He tried to push me out of the way so he could inspect Drake, but Drake kept a firm hold on me.

“I’m fucking fine.”

I was surprised when Knox turned to me. “Are you okay?”

“I think so,” I mumbled, but he was already walking away, making Drake snort.

“He only asked to make it seem like he wasn’t just fussing over me.” He ran his hands over me for damage, his voice softening. “You sure you’re okay?”

My eyes drifted to the dead guy, acid churning in my stomach. I knew Knox was violent but I didn’t know he could so emotionlessly kill someone.

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