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“Noted. Go home to your girl, she’s probably freaking out that you’re in a jail cell,” she tsked, and I let out a chuckle.

“Nah, Penn knows I could break out. I’ll let her know you’ll be in touch for a meeting. Please be nice to her.”

“I am fucking nice, dickbag,” she bit out, making me raise an eyebrow.

“Sure you are.”

We said our goodbyes and I climbed into the car, ignoring Stone as he walked out with Maddox, and I drove back towards home. I felt better now that I’d hit him a few times but my face hurt and Penn was going to freak out about it if I bruised.

I just knew it.


Cruz stalked into the bedroom and I scrambled to my feet, taking his face in my hands when I noticed the swelling in his cheek.

“What happened?”

“I’m fine, promise. Just had words with Stone,” he murmured, giving me a kiss and pulling me close. “Are you okay?”

I had a thumping headache from crying so much and my hands hurt like hell, but I wasn’t going to tell him that or he’d probably go and start another fight with Stone.

“I’m okay. Stone’s really touchy about his family. What happened with them?” I asked, making him cringe.

“You brought them up with him?”

“I might have said a few nasty things,” I mumbled, my gaze dropping to the ground, and Drake snorted from his spot on the bed where we’d been cuddling.

“Touchy isn’t the word I’d use. Don’t talk about them, trust me. The only good person in his family was Ezekiel, and he died a few years ago. He doesn’t talk to anyone about his family so it’s not just you. What did you say to him?”

“Um, just how he’s an asshole and no wonder his family don’t want him around,” I grimace, and Cruz let out a low whistle.

“You’re lucky he didn’t shoot you. Seriously, I know he’s a dick but don’t talk about his family.” He tugged me towards the bed, hauling me on top of him to hold me. “Want some good news? I was just talking to Beckett Donovan. She’s going to set up that meeting with her Mom for you about your father.”

I almost choked.

“I can’t meet all those—”

“I told her to keep it small. Besides, Beckett wants to meet you. I told her to be nice,” he promised, and Drake laughed.

“Beckett doesn’t even know what that word means. Just don’t look at Maddox or Jett the wrong way and you’ll be fine. They’re hers and she’ll kill you if you make her think you want to fuck them.”

“I have my hands full with you two idiots, I don’t need more,” I scoffed, sliding off Cruz to snuggle between them. “Today was my fault. Should I apologize to Stone?”

“Don’t waste your breath. It’s not like he’ll apologize to you for being a cunt,” Cruz grumbled, groaning as his phone rang. He snatched it off the bedside table before snuggling back into me once he had the phone pressed to his ear. “Yeah? I’m at the compound, why? Ugh, I suppose I can. Yes, she’s here.” He chuckled, moving the phone away from his mouth to speak to me. “Leah says hi.”

“Uh, hi,” I said awkwardly, making Cruz snort.

“She says hi. I’ll go and check the footage for you but tell me if you notice anything else.” He hung up and Drake frowned.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, they just feel like they’re being followed. I’ll be back soon,” he promised, climbing from the bed and heading down to the office, and Drake pulled me closer to kiss my neck.

“You wanna sneak out later?”

“That depends on where we’re going,” I giggled, his voice light as if it were no big deal but I knew it was.

“I want to go to Lightning Cove.”

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