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“She’s a fucking whore,” he said slowly, his eyes flashing with hatred.

I lunged at him but someone got between us, hauling me back.

“What the fuck is going on?” I looked up to find Slash Russo, the leader of the Psychos and one of Beckett and Maddox’s dads, glaring at me. “Take this into the cage or outside.”

“They’re fighting over a girl, Dad. I say let them go. Fifty bucks on Cruz,” Beckett drawled, tilting her head. “Must be one hell of a girl.”

I gave Stone a dirty look but stepped back, respecting Slash’s order.

The last thing we needed was the Psychos turning against us.

“Penn’s been through enough, she doesn’t need this asshole locking her in dark rooms and giving her shit all the time,” I gritted out, making Slash frown.

“This the Whitlock girl? Hunter and Jensen like her. Said she’s got fire in her eyes.”

“She’s scared of everything,” Stone muttered, earning a look of disbelief from me.

“That’s because she’s spent her entire life being a prisoner to her father. I’ll teach her to shoot, you stay the fuck away from her.” I turned to Slash, giving him a small nod. “Sorry for bringing this here.”

“No harm done. We’ve all thrown hands over a girl before,” he chuckled, eyeing Stone before walking off. We wouldn’t start more shit and he knew it.

I turned to leave but Beckett called after me.

“Wait up, I’ll walk you out.” She fell into step beside me and I waited until we were outside to speak.

“She’s scared of being locked up, she gets claustrophobic and Stone knows that. He locked her in the target room and turned the lights off.”

“What did she do to him?” she asked lightly, making me snort.

“Victim shaming, Donovan? But since when does Stone need a reason to be an ass.”

“I’m just saying. That doesn’t sound like Stone just being an ass, it’s more than that. So, you like this girl?” I glanced over at her to find her curious eyes on mine. “She’s not just a hookup, I can tell. Knox and Drake like her too?”

I ran my hand through my hair, blowing out a breath as I leaned against my car. “Pretty sure Drake’s in love with her. She’s been really good for him.”

“And Knox?”

“Knox hate-fucked her to piss off Drake. Drake kinda broke things off with him so he’s even more of an ass to live with than usual.” Drake had probably already told Luna and Riley about the break up so I didn’t bother hiding it. Even if he hadn’t, he wouldn’t care about them knowing. “I think having Penn around made Drake realize the kind of relationship he could have. She’s really sweet with him and stands up for him against Stone and Knox all the time. It helps that she’s insanely hot.”

“Damn, Drake actually left him? I’m surprised your little girlfriend’s still in one piece,” she snickered, glancing over her shoulder at the shed. “Maybe don’t beat your boss up though.”

“Says the psychopath who stabbed her brother,” I grumbled, smiling as she gave me a shove. “Or do I call him your boyfriend? It’s very confusing.”

Maddox was adopted so it wasn’t really that weird that they were dating, but I liked to give her shit for it.

“Asshole. I’m allowed to cause chaos, it’s the Donovan way,” she laughed. “Bring your girl around home one night. I want to meet her.”

“She’ll probably faint. She’s a big fan of your mother,” I answered dryly. “She’s hoping you guys tear down her father’s business. He’s in with the sex trade.”

That made her face turn serious.

“Definitely bring her over. Maybe to Mom’s and we can make a list of people she knows who are involved. Does she know much?”

“She seems to but she spent a lot of time locked in her room. She wasn’t allowed to mingle with guests or anything like that.”

“Did he abuse her?”

“Sell her for sexual favors? No. Hit her? Yes. He’s a real dick. You can guess how bad it was since we kidnapped her and she packed a bag and basically ran to the damn car to get out of there.” I wanted to kill that rich fucker. I never understood why anyone could mistreat their own kids. “She likes Hunter and Jensen so maybe hook them up with the meeting. I don’t think she’d be okay with walking into your house with all the crews there. She seems tough but I think she’s hiding a lot of fear.”

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