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“I promise,” she answered, kissing my neck while continuing to work out the knots in my muscles, and we didn’t leave the bath until the water was cold.

She insisted on drying me and I watched her silently. She took so much care, and her soft touches were warming my chest and easing some of my pain.

I couldn’t fuck her, not right now, but I was grateful to have her here comforting me without question.

Once we were both dry and dressed we headed back to Cruz’s room to find him setting up a movie. He’d already gotten snacks and I noticed a few beers on the bedside table too.

He glanced up with a grin, looking so damn proud of himself.

“Hey. I figured we could lock ourselves in here for the rest of the day. Pizza for dinner?”

“Can we order some fried chicken too?” I asked, and he ruffled my hair playfully.

“Sure. Penn’s in the middle this time though. As much as I love a good bro-snuggle, I really want to get some sneaky titty grabs in.”


Penn giggled, jumping in the bed to get comfortable, and they filled me in on their morning. I was surprised when Cruz mentioned that Stone had given him permission to train her.

Penn’s eyes widened and a huge smile spread across her face.

“Really? He said that?”

“As long as you don’t go on jobs until he approves it. I’ll teach you all about tech and stuff,” he winked, chuckling as she dove at him for a kiss, and I couldn’t help but study Cruz.

Cruz loved women and he spent a lot of time flirting with them and getting them into bed, but I’d never seen him like this. Sure, he had friends who were girls, but he was invested in Penn. This wasn’t just fun for him, he had feelings involved.

He was relaxed, completely infatuated with her, and he kept touching her in little ways that he probably didn’t even realize he was doing.

He met my gaze and gave me a look, not voicing his question out loud. I gave him a small smile, grabbing the chips and snatching the remote.

“Let’s watch this movie before you two get horny and end up fucking.”

Cruz smirked but kept his mouth shut, and Penn gave me the most innocent look I’d ever seen.

“I thought you liked watching porn?”

I had no problem watching Cruz rail her but I wasn’t in the mood right now.

“Any other time I’d be down but I’m in a snuggling mood,” I answered, and she immediately let it go, curling into me and kissing my chest.

“When you want a show, let me know.”

I could work with that.


Both Drake and Cruz ended up on jobs for the following two days and they were exhausted each night when we went to bed. I wasn’t sure if Stone was keeping them busy to be a dick, or if it was always like that.

Knox avoided me which I was grateful for, and Stone glared at me over breakfast and stomped around like an asshole, but at least he wasn’t yelling at me.

Leah was babbling about some new store that opened in Crestford that she wanted to check out, and Cruz didn’t even say anything as he slid his credit card across the table to me. I frowned but he pinned me with a look to just take it, so I slid it into my pocket and thanked him.

I didn’t like spending his money but I liked the idea of being able to buy my own clothes without someone telling me what I was allowed to get.

Stone muttered something about me spending money but Cruz gave me a wink.

“Make sure you get something sexy that I can tear off you with my teeth later.”

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