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I wasn’t into guys in the slightest and didn’t think a hug was going to change that. Drake needed affection and praise from literally everyone, so I knew how much a hug would mean to him.

We didn’t move for at least an hour, and Drake only got up when Penn convinced him to have a soak in the bath. She gave me a quick kiss and said she’d bring him back when he was done, and I took the time alone to clean my room a little, changing the bedding and clearing some space in my drawers for Penn’s stuff.

I didn’t want her living out of bags but I also didn’t want to touch her things without asking, so I placed the bags in the corner for her to sort out herself.

I took any dirty clothes to the laundry and put it in the washing machine before heading into the kitchen, finding Leah and Sandra there, Leah giving me a grin as she slid up to me while I rummaged through the cupboards for snacks.

“So, what’s up with you and Penn? It’s not like you to be into rich girls, Cruz.”

“My dick doesn’t discriminate,” I joked, giving her a smile. “I like her, sue me.”

“And Drake too? That’s going to bring trouble,” she snorted.

She had no idea, but I wasn’t going to tell anyone about Knox and Drake. It wasn’t anyone’s business.

“If you want dirty details, you’ll have to ask Penn. I have a favor to ask you actually. Can you make some time for her? She likes you and I think some girl time would be good for her.”

“Glorified babysitting?”

“No. Go do girl stuff like normal friends do. She mentioned shopping,” I shrugged, pulling chips and candies from the shelf before closing the cupboard. “Maybe take her to a movie.”

“Oh, so you want me to date her too?” she laughed, giving my shoulder a pat. “I’ll see what I can do. I won’t get arrested, right?”

“She doesn't want to go back to Kingslake so you’re pretty safe.” I turned to Sandra. “Where’s your boyfriend at?”

“Will’s in Blackwater with Jai. They wanted to get away from Knox. Do you know why he’s in such a bad mood? He’s beating everyone up,” she huffed, and I chuckled.

“He’s always in a mood. I’ll organize a phone for Penn so you guys can text and plan shit. She’s mine tonight though, you got that?” I asked as I turned to leave, and Leah giggled.

“You’ve got it bad.”

She had no idea.


“I’m such a girl,” I bit out, swiping at my eyes as another tear leaked. I was sitting in the bath with Penn between my legs, her head back on my shoulder.

I felt like such a little bitch for crying like I had.

I’d been able to keep my emotions in check until she’d walked into Cruz’s room and read me like a book, asking what was wrong. I just let it all out like a damn tsunami. I wasn’t too worried about Cruz witnessing it, he thought crying was a healthy way of handling emotions.

As usual, he’d known exactly what I’d needed when he’d joined us and just hugged me.

Why couldn’t I have been attracted to a nice guy like Cruz? My dumbass just had to fall in love with the angry bastard who didn’t need shit from nobody.

“You’re not a girl. Men can cry,” Penn replied softly, taking my hand and lifting it to her mouth, kissing my knuckles. “You’re hurt, you’re allowed to be upset. I’d cry too.”

“How about a blowjob to cheer me up?” I joked, making her laugh.

“I mean, if it would help I’d do it, but I have a feeling it would just make you feel worse.”

“How could anyone be sad with their dick down a pretty girl’s throat?” I chuckled but it sounded hollow.

She stood, water cascading down her body as I stared at her sweet ass, and she stepped out before motioning for me to shuffle forward.

“Scooch.” I did as she asked and she sat down behind me, sliding her legs along mine and pulling me back against her chest. I melted as her fingers dug into my shoulders to massage me, her voice quiet. “You don’t need to pretend with me. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Promise?” It wasn’t fair to ask but I was weak. I couldn’t stand my ground with Knox if I lost her too.

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