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“Are you kidding me? You can’t just kidnap people!”

“Why not? She’s hot,” he threw back, pulling me in front of him so that my back was flush with his chest. “Me and Cruz think you two would be good friends.”

“Is she allowed to have friends if she’s a hostage?” Riley asked dryly, narrowing her eyes on me. “No offense, but I don’t want your new toy anywhere near my girl. We’ve had enough drama to last a fucking lifetime.”

“Aw, you think my girl can steal yours? You’re so cute,” Drake laughed, my eyes widening.

“Oh, I don’t want your girlfriend. I’m straight.”

Apparently that had been the wrong thing to say, because Riley stalked closer, her bat tapping against my leg as if to remind me it was there.

“So’s Luna. Keep your cunt to yourself.” She stormed off and Luna sighed, giving me an apologetic look.

“Sorry about her. I’ll see you later. Tell Cruz he owes me a girl’s night.”

“Uh, sure,” I replied as she ran off, and Drake’s hands slid down my sides, dipping into my front pockets.

“Ignore Riley, she gets protective over her girl but she’s not that bad once you get to know her. C’mon, let’s go watch some of the races.”

“You don’t want to fuck in the car now?” I said without thinking, and Zavier cracked up as Drake gave me a serious look.

“I’m going to be one of those assholes who says the L word real fast if you keep talking like that.” There was no way he loved me.

“I’m telling your boyfriend.”

“Little shit,” he laughed, putting me in a headlock and rubbing his knuckles into my hair.

I squealed, trying to escape his grip but ended up with my back against the side of his car and his tongue in my mouth. One of his arms slid around my lower back to keep me close while the other stayed on my waist, and Zavier cleared his throat with amusement.

“Can you not fuck in front of me unless I get an invite?”

Drake scowled as he pulled back, not on board with that idea.

“I’ll strangle you with my bare hands, Lopez. Don’t fucking test me.”

“I’m going to go and race then since you’re a selfish prick. Let me know if you change your mind,” he winked, wandering off into the dark before Drake could punch him.

“That fucker’s lucky to have teeth left in his head,” he growled, his hands firmly on my waist. “Let’s get out of here.”

“We just got here,” I said with confusion, but he shrugged.

“I have somewhere else I want to take you that’s more private.”

“Oh, you want to fuck now? Why didn’t you start with that? Let’s go,” I grinned, moving around to the passenger side of the car to buckle myself in.

We drove towards the gate and Riley held up her hand in a what the fuck motion as she leaned on some guy’s black Supra. The guy barely glanced our way, more occupied with talking to Luna.

Drake flipped Riley off without stopping, driving out the gates and heading towards Rawson Grove. I was surprised when we didn’t turn off to the compound, but I stayed quiet as he drove straight through town and ended up in Stoneleigh.

As if sensing my thoughts, he spoke.

“I have a spot I like to go to at the beach. Only Knox knows about it.”

“If it’s your thing with Knox I don’t think—”

“No, it’s nothing special between us, he rarely comes out here. It’s just my thing when I want to be alone for a while,” he reassured me, the houses slowly vanishing as he drove out of the suburbs and onto a dirt road.

Lightning Cove was gorgeous in summer, but it was a little too close to Kingslake for my liking. It ran along the top of both Kingslake and Stoneleigh. The little beach at the far end was really nice, and it had been a while since I’d put my feet in the sand and relaxed.

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